Status: comment por favorrrrr? :3

Everytime I Look for You the Sun Goes Down


Callie sat, her legs criss-crossed, on Kara's bed as she went downstairs to pop the two a bag of popcorn. They were having a sleepover to make up for the time she had been gone. They didn't have sleepovers that much nor did they ever have time without the guys around, so they cherished their time alone.

Kara carefully walked back into her room, trying not to spill any of the popcorn onto the floor. She looked like she was walking on a tightrope. Callie giggle to herself, to which Kara sent her a glare. She sat down the bowl of popcorn and did a sort of ta-daaa move, which only caused Callie to laugh more.

The two began to watch Tim Burton's Sleepy Hollow, but soon they were not paying any attention to the movie they had seen multiple times. “So,” Kara began, moving to face Callie instead of the television screen, “How was it?”

Callie mimicked her motion so they were facing each other. “Nothing too special. It was just like it always is. I twas incredibly boring at times, but mostly fun. My cousin and I went to this club a couple times. That was fun.” She said with a laugh and popped a piece of popcorn in her mouth. “Other than that, it was pretty boring. What about here?”

Kara sighed. “I was so bored without you here, God! I remembered how boring it is to hang out with just the guys.”

“Oh, come on, it couldn't have been that bad!” She exclaimed and sat back, leaning up against the wall.

“Oh, but it was! With that and Alex's constant complaining about you being gone, I thought I was going to shoot a baby or something!”

She looked at her skeptically. “Why was he complaining?”

“Oh, he does that whenever you leave anywhere. But this time it was worse, I don't know why though. It was really annoying though. Not like missing you is bad! Just voicing it every hour or so gets repetitive.”

Callie nodded and the two went back to the movie. She wasn't going to dwell on why her absence was such a big deal. She didn't want to worry about it now. Or ever, for that matter. So she didn't. She just sat down and enjoyed the time she had with Kara.

Soon the two were back at it. Kara was telling her about the 'shit that went down' while she was gone, such as a schoolmate of theirs getting pregnant and another getting chlamydia. Too many things happened in that place.

The movie had ended and had been replaced with a random one from Kara's stack of movies as they continued to jabber on. They switched subjects about every five seconds; if someone were to walk in and listen to their conversation, they'd be lost instantly.

In the midst of their rapid gabbing, Callie's cell phone began to ring. Alex. Kara instantly shut up and allowed her to answer her phone.

“Hello?” She asked, monotonously.

“Hey, you busy right now?” He sounded a bit distraught. There was a bit of a shake in his voice and he spoke in almost a whisper.

“Um, kind of.” She mouthed a small be right back to Kara and walked out of the room and into the hallway. “Why?”

“Oh, I was just gonna see if you could come over.” His voice had a hint of hope in his voice, anticipating she would come over despite her previous answer. “But if you can't that's fine.”

“Well, is something wrong?” She sighed. There was either something wrong and he needed his best friend, or a ploy to get her in bed again. No. That was then. Things are back to normal now.

“Uh, yeah. You just... You think you could come over anyways?” It sounded like there was actually something wrong, so she gave in.

“Okay, I'll be right there.” She said and hung up the phone and walked back into Kara's room. “Kara, I have to go. I'm sorry. We'll reschedule this?” She said and went to give Kara a hug.

“Yeah, I'll call you tomorrow.” She hugged back, after giving her a questioning look.

Callie stepped outside into the cold air. There better be a good reason for him making her step out into the cold. She drove the short distance from Kara's house to Alex's and killed the engine. She stepped into the cold once again and hurried to the porch and rang the doorbell.

Not even five seconds later the door flung open and Alex quickly pulled her into the home. She let out a slight squeal out of sheer shock. He laughed a little. “You looked cold.” He mumbled before starting towards the stairs and to his room.

They stood in his room for a minute or two not saying anything. Callie casually looked around as if she'd never been there. It was more of a stalling tactic. Then she couldn't take the silence.

“So are you going to tell me what is wrong, or just let me stand here the entire time?” She said harshly, as she looked at him. He was sitting on the edge of his bed, looking at the floor and playing with his hands. She stepped over to him and sat next to him. “Hey, what's wrong?”

“Becky came over earlier.” He mumbled slightly.

Callie's eyes grew wide and her mouth dropped, shocked. “Oh, wow. What... What did she want?”

“She said she was sorry and she made a mistake. Then she asked if I'd take her back.”

“And you said...” It came out more like a question than a statement, the way it was supposed to.

A slight chuckle came out of his mouth. “I told her I never wanted to see her and to get the hell out of my house.” Callie laughed a little at the chuckle in his voice as he said the last part. “She's such a fucking bitch, I don't know why I let her do all this shit.” He said and scratched back of his neck.

It seemed he was more hurt over this girl than he had initially let on. “Yeah, she is.” She grabbed his hand and squeezed it, causing him to look up at her. “She's a bitch and she didn't deserve you in the first place. Forget about her. She's not worth it.” She smiled, which caused him to send a matching one back to her.

“You're the best best friend in the world, you know that?” He said as he moved closer to her.
She froze This couldn't happen. Not again. It happened twice and that's it. Everything was back to normal. They were best friends. Just best friends.

Before she could express and protest, his lips smashed against hers. She quickly pushed him back, then receiving a confused look from the other party involved.

“Alex, I don't think-”

“Shh.” He cut her off and placed a finger over her mouth. “You're my best friend, right?” She nodded, knowing where this was going. “And you’ll do anything to make me happy?” Another nod. “Good.” Then he replaced the finger that was covering her mouth with his own.

She still couldn't say no. She'd do anything to make him happy; they were best friends, and if that made him happy, that's what made him happy. She couldn't stand to see him unhappy, and if this is what was needed to make him happy, she'd do it.

Yes, she'd regret it in the morning, and later on, as well, but at the moment she was doing what a best friend is supposed to do: be there for their best friend. Sure, in a very unorthodox way, but her responsibility, regardless.

But how long would he be unhappy?
♠ ♠ ♠
personally, i think this sucks really badly, but I wanted to post something, so here it is.
do you guys have any ideas on what's to come? I'd like to hear them if you do! haha. :D
And, I dunno if you caught it, but I kinda thought it was cute how her smile made him smile. just saying. :3 mwhaha.
okay, gimme some feedback or I'll send Lady Gaga's fierceness on you.

xoxo Marie

PS. if you caught my kinda Mean Girls reference in there, you're my new best friend. :D