I Thought You Meant That You Were Falling Apart

Forgotten Past.

I scratched the top of my head, looking around. I forgot where I was for the moment. I had a tendancy to do this a lot. Even though I'd been here for over a year, I would still expect to wake up at my Dad's place. But that was no longer home, this was home.Sometimes, I couldn't help but wonder if he still missed me.

The days rolled by so quickly, sometimes I had to stop and tell myself that it was really happening. It seemed like it was all one big day, messed and smudged into an endless loop. It was an oddly comforting feeling. I felt safe when I was with the Drew's.

Even though things with Josh started out ruff, we began getting along. Actually, he was becoming like a brother to me. He's helped me out a lot, with school and stuff. It was comforting to have that. Especially after everything I've been through.

I sat up in my bed, looking around my room at all the expensive stuff. I had things I only used to dream of having. I was living the life. I swung my legs around and hopped out of bed. I could smell pancakes cooking. Sadie loved making pancakes every Monday morning.

"Good morning Talia, how did you sleep?" Sadie asked me when I walked into the kitchen, "Oh dear you look awful! How do you feel?"

Sadie put the pancakes back on the stove and came over to feel my head. "Oh my gosh, you're burning up love. No school today for you. I want you to lay on the couch and rest today. Where is Josh, I'll let him know."

"Sadie, I think I'll be alright to go. We have a big geometry test today, and I need a good grade in order to pass," Geometry was never my strong subject.

"Darling, you get your little butt on that couch right now, no school for you today! I'll call your geometry teacher and explain. You're not going to school and that's final!" Sadie looked serious, so I didn't even bother fighting back.

I made my way into the living room and plopped myself on the couch. I flicked through all the channels, nothing good was on.

Josh was leaving for school, Ben was already at work, and Sadie had left to do errands. I was home alone in a house that technically wasn't even my home. It was an awkward, uncomfortable feeling. So, I decided to take my mind off of it by going on Facebook. I hadn't been on there since I ran away.

I had 22 new friend requests, 12 messages, and 81 notifications. I clicked messages first. The newest message was from today, left by the one and only Alex Gaskarth.

Message from Alex Gaskarth: We need to talk.

Oh shit.
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this sucks, i know. :/
im sorry but i didnt know how to update this.
feedback is NEEDED. critism is fine, but be nice about it.
sorry again.