Status: Complete.

Memoirs of a Gay Guy : 1000 Things

Entry : 43

I had one exam yesterday and I have one exam tomorrow and then I will be officially done grade eleven! I have been trying my best not to think about Jem leaving too much so I can focus on my exams more. I must say, it doesn’t help when I’m texting him every five minutes. But it’s fun, it’s like we’re just friends again. We’re not talking of life outside of my studying cocoon.

I’m planning on hanging out with Riley tomorrow after our French exam. We’ve agreed that whoever’s done first will wait for the other in the cafeteria, then once we’re out of the school, we begin celebrating! We’ve got to make the most of our celebration time; this summer is going to be busy. Riley and I have made an agreement to go on a job hunt together and also he’s going to be taking a reach ahead course so he won’t be available for most of July.

It’ll be mostly Fin and Riley and I this summer, since Jem and Emma are leaving and Tony will be moving out of his house. I don’t mind much because that’s what I’ll need anyhow; my two best friends to get me through the summer. I know I’ve already registered, emotionally, that Jeremy and I will be over, but I’m sure it’ll still be quite a blow once he’s actually gone.

The summer will be a time to heal. A time for new experiences and just an altogether feeling of moving forward. I couldn’t think of to people I’d rather spend that time with than Riley and Fin.
♠ ♠ ♠
This has not been edited or fleshed out since the hand-written version and so is super short.