Status: Rawrrr

The Truth About Lies

P.S. I Love You

Garrett's P.O.V.
The kiss was passionate; unlike anything I've ever experienced and I didn't want it to end. The way her lips would press against mine, the taste of her, her scent, it was all too overwhelming, too beautiful. I had always liked Bella but never though of her in any special way. I mean, sure, she was beautiful, intelligent, kind, and everything good in the world but I had always thought of her as a best friend...well, until now.
The cold Arizona air seemed to stand still and we just looked at eachother; green on brown. She then smiled and her cheeks flushed a lovely rose color. Everything she did brought me one step closer to love. Unaware of what to do next, I grabbed her hand and she scooted closer to me. She smelled of vanilla. I rested my chin upon her head and brought her closer.
This was too perfect.
"We..We should go." Damn.
"Um..okay," was all I could manage to stay. I know this may sound cheesy or corny or whatever but... that kiss left me breathless. We both stood, dusting the dirt and grass off of ourselves and proceeded to walk down the path that would lead us back to Bella's house.
He hand gently slid into mine and I couldn't help but smile. By this time the sun had begun to set and the air became even colder. The was was silent yet beautiful. There was nothing that needed to be said; the sweetness of the night was enough. She then stopped, a saddened look upon her face.
"You okay?"
"Uhm, yeah. Just uh...just a little confused is all."
"Confused? About what?"
She then looked up, tears forming in her eyes. "About everything! The way I feel about you, about John, about myself! Everything just doesn't make any sense any more!! I mean, when we were 9, there was nothing that needed to be explained! There were no mixed emotions, no heart break, there was absolutely nothing to be worried about! But now, everything is just WRONG!" Her words stung me deeply. "I mean, I don't even know who the hell I am anymore! I left Berkeley to watch over Kenny like I'm his fucking MOTHER or something and haven't been able to catch up because I've been too worried and then just when I was recovering from John, he decided to return and just fuck everything up again! Then I realize that I still love him but hate him at the same time and you come along, take my fucking breath away and make me fall in love with you and now I don't know who I love or what to do!" Wait. What? Did she say she loved me? "....Did you just say that you are in love with me?" Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "No I didn't."
I smiled. "Yes, you did. You said that I came and took your breath away and that I made you fall in love with me!"
"No! I never said that!! Now you're just making shit up to confuse me!"
"Nooooo, you said it! You said that you're in love with me!"
"Did too"
"Did not"
"Did too"
"Did no-" I interrupted her with a kiss and pulled away after a couple of seconds. Her expression was blank and confused. Listening to her ramble was just too cute but mean and I couldn't think of anything else to do. "So uhm....where does this leave us?"
"Dunno; you tell me," I placed my hands around her waist and pulled her closer to me. "I uh....I d-don't kn-know-w." My lips brushed gently against hers, making her stutter. It was working. "G-gare, I-I think w-we s-s-should g-go. Ken-ny's probably w-waiting." This was too fun. Slowly, I pressed my lips to her collar bone and made my way up. Neck...jawline..cheek...temple and then returned to her lips. Her breath was ragged and I smiled to myself.
I had won.
"O-okay Gare...I-uh-I have to g-go." Reluctantly, I pulled away and looked her in the eye. "Goodnight then."
"You too," she said awkwardly before stumbling over a stone on her way to the front doors.

Bella's P.O.V.
As soon as I had shut the wooden doors, my heart settled. What the hell was wrong with me? I had never though of Garrett as a potential crush or lover or whatever until now. The way he kissed me, held me; the way he smiled and laughed. Everything he did seemed to make my heart go crazy. The sweet scent of his cologne still clung to my shirt, making it all the more difficult for me to leave him. My phone then began to vibrate.

-1 New Message-

You're in my mind, don't ever leave.
You make me feel so serene.
The way your eyes stare into mine
Its enough to make me go insane.
Your laugh, your voice.
Its all one sweet lullaby.
That sings me to sleep
With a smile across my face.
You make my heart soar,
You make it flutter.
And now as I fall asleep to your love
I can only hope
That you fell the same way.
Sweet dreams :)

P.S. I Love You
♠ ♠ ♠
I know this whole chapter was suckish and pointless but I felt inspired to write something sweet, something lovey-dovey :)
Oh and that "poem" was written by me.
It's terrible, I know but that's how I was feeling at the moment haha

Anyway, this was just a filler but the next episode will be dramatic :D

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