Senior Year.

"Amy... you and Keith would go great together. Right, Kari [care-E]?" Dede my best friend since the fourth grade was more then obsessed with boys; I on the other hand could careless.

No, I'm not lesbian and I'm not homophobic. I just don't like relationships someone always gets hurt in the end.

Kari is my other best friend she's... experimental. For example right now she’s trying to get these couple to have a threesome with her. The guy seems into it, go figure, but the girl looks like she wants to kill Kari for it. Little dose this girl know Kari's more into her then the guy, but Kari likes her sex from guys. She's confused.

Me, Amy Watson... I have had boyfriends but they usually end up hooking up with someone other then me. Yes, in your definition its "cheating" but to me its "we aren't married, we don't plan on getting married.... so do who and what you want."

"Kari!!! LET’S GO!!!" Dede hated it when Kari ditched us for sex... which happened a lot.

We were leaving the zoo, and my eye caught a glimpse of a boy. He had brown eyes and a fo-hock, a lazy skater body, it looked good on him. I smiled which made him smirk, so I rolled my eyes and walked the other way.

I never planed on seeing him again.
  1. Last First Day Of High School
    It has been two months since Amy saw the lazy skater boy its her Sr. year at South High School.
  2. New Guy...
  3. The Closet.
  4. Frosty King.
    [tell me if you can read it or its in caps and boxes...]
  5. Boyfriends
  6. Alarm
    short again [AN: says why. :( ]
  7. Lock Down
  8. Texting
  9. KFC's
  10. Lunch Date
  11. Trust
  12. At Home
  13. Change
  14. Ticket both
  15. In Line
  16. The End... of the date.
  17. Saturday Morning.
  18. Damn Him.
  19. Unexpected
  20. Helping Dede.
    OMG sry it took so long but its Jasons POV hopfully ur not mad at me lol sry
  21. Amy.
    Keiths POV. ^-^
  22. Dede.
    back to AMY.
  23. No, wait yes. no
  24. Late
  25. Break In
  26. Hospital.
  27. Waiting.
  28. Choobaca
    Dede's POV
  29. The Start
  30. Feeling-less
  31. ***ing Dede.
    Kari's POV=D
  32. Shit
    Jason's POV
  33. What the hell?
    it starts at the same time Jason goes into the lib.
  34. Amy!
    Kari's POV
  35. Yes, now end of stroy.
    0.0 Kathy's POV
  36. Pre- Prom.
    EVERY ones POV
  37. Prom
    EVERY ones POV again
  38. Shock
  39. 2 years later
    the end.