Pardon This Cliche


Dedicated to Idiota :) .. sorry if its bad :(
"Cameron's over!" Her dad yelled as the door bell rang.
She rolled her eyes. Oh gee great the great cameron has arrived. Let the fun times begin she thought as she rolled her eyes.
She shut her bed room door and put her music up even more louder.


He rang the bell one last time. His mind went back to a flashback.

His eyes widened as she realized what he meant. She turned away suddenly.
“So uhm , this party’s really uh something?” She commented turning to look back at him.
He gave out a laugh.
“You would know. These kind of parties aren’t really my scene.”
“And theyre just the kind of parties I rock out at?” She shot back with a smile. He gave out another laugh.
“I only come to these cos that makes my dad happy. They’re important to my dad.” He looked back at her, neither breaking eye contact.
“So daddy’s girl I see?” He gave her a smile.
“You could say that. I’m sorta both. Mummy and daddys girl.” She gave him a smile.
“What about you?” She asked. Suddenly, his entire posture changed and his smile became a frown. All of a sudden his face had dropped and he turned away from her. Krysta's frow burrowed and she opened her mouth to question, her hand went up when her dad called out for her.

"Coming dad!"She responded as she gave Cameron one last look before walking away from the conflicted blonde.

'What the hell-'

He gave a huge sigh out. He should not have reacted like that, leaving her confused. But he just couldn't control it.

"Krysta, please get down here!!" Her dad yelled as cameron suddenly felt butterflies. No! He mentally thought. Krysta was forbidden. She was his boss's daughter!

But no mental protest could stop his stomach from now doing summersaults.

"Yes dad?"She entered the dining room with a sweet smile. She shot cameron a sweet smile and then cameron was gone. The butterflies increased and words left his now blank mind.

Her pink top with Miss Giggles written on top. The way her hair was straight yet perfectly setttle but at the same time with that rocker chick touch. Okay he had to stop spending so much time with Krysta.

Her honey brown eyes and the way they lit up when she was around those she cared about.

She inwardly rolled her eyes and shot him a smile. She looked at her dad and focused her attention to her dad. Dad. dad. dad. Cameron. No! Dad. That's right focus on dad.

Cos if she didn't focus on dad , then her eyes would travel to meet the watching eyes of cameron. She felt her cheeks starting to flare and moved her head to cover her face with her hair.

"So cameron-"Her dad turned to cameron, who snapped his head and eyes away from Krysta.
"Yes sir?" He asked. Attention on the dad. Attention on the father. Father who is your boss. Father who can beat you up. Father who can-
"Can you tutor Krysta in this ?" Krysta's eyes turned to look at him in question. He dared to look back.
Both were stuck and he knew now he just couldn't tear his eyes away from her.

"Sure thing." He shot her dad a smile as he turned to face her . Her eyebrow raised.

This would be interesting.
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Seriously this is crap... like alot. But i need to build up to the main part of the story.. :)