Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings

More And More

“NO!!!” Sean yelled. Tomas tried to run past the men and grabbed Chris but it was too late. The men grinned and their fingers closed around the trigger.

A strange light beam shot out from the nozzle and Sky instantly turned her head away. She started pushing her friends toward the door.

“Get out! Quickly!”

“But Chris…”

“Too late! Get out now!” She screamed. Her friends hesitated for a moment, and then they started out towards the door.

Terrible screams were heard from the corner. She couldn’t imagine what kind of effects it was having on Chris.

“Sky…” Sean started to say. She turned and saw Sean still standing there.

“Sean! What are you waiting for? Come on!”


She grabbed his hands and started pulling him out, he resisted and pointed. “Look!”

She cursed and looked at the corner. Her jaw dropped open.

The light beam had miraculously bounced off within an inch from him. The light rebounded upon the men, frying them on the spot.

Chris looked very shock for a moment, as if he couldn’t believe what had happened. Then he got up quickly and run back towards the gang.

“Let’s go!” Sky yelled. Three of them stampede out towards the exit in an instant. The woman was screaming furiously.

“Get them! Hurry! Don’t stand there! Get the laptop back!” Her screams echoed across the corridor. The men were reluctant to follow, but the woman suddenly pointed her fingers at the chair. She lifted the chair with a flick of her wrist and threw it across the room, forcing the men to scurry out and chase the gang.

Meanwhile, Sky and others were already having a good head start, she run quickly along the corridor, trying to find the correct way.

“Chris! Hack into the com! Find an escape route for us! Meanwhile, release the other prisoners!”

Chris typed into the keyboard furiously, his eyes darting left and right as he scanned the monitor.

After a few seconds, he let out a whoop of joy. The doors began to spring open. Sky stepped into one of them. The people inside there were surprised; apparently they had been pressing themselves against the small window to see the chaos that had taken place.

“Come on, let’s get out from here.”

They were timid and shrank back at first, Sky saw a small little girl no older than eight among the prisoners. She took the girl’s hand and led her out. Others soon followed.

Light beams shot passed their heads, missing them by inches.

“Tsukoyumi! Stall them now!”

He turned and started bellowing those weird songs that he loved so much. The men rushed into a room to escape the deafening sound and Andrew slammed the door and locked them inside.

“That’ll teach them.” He laughed.

“Andrew! Find the other prisoners and see if any of them are hurt. Get them out!”

There were only three rooms that are filled with prisoners. Tomas dashed in quickly and appeared quickly with some teenagers.


“That’s all I can find.”

“Okay.” Sky raised her voice. “Those who had powers that could help us, please distribute yourself at the front and the back of the group. Others who doesn’t have any please stand in the middle.”

The foreign people hesitated for a moment and followed what she had said.

The small girl tugged at Sky’s claws. “Where are we going? I’m scared.”

She scooped her up. “Need not to be afraid, we’re going to escape. Chris? Any luck so far?”

“There’s… This pathway. It was used as an emergency exit; it shouldn’t be too far…”


They reached a dead end and he started touching the wall. Everyone looked at each other, what was he doing?


“Here!” He said excitedly. He pushed back a flap to reveal another keypad. After typing some numbers in, the whole wall slide back to reveal an exit.

“Wow. How did you know what combinations was it?” Jian said, awed.

Chris winked. “If you know your way, there’s always a solution.” They quickly dashed out to find themselves out in the greens.

“We’re… in a forest?”

“Wouldn’t it be better than a desert?”

“Whatever. Let’s go!”

They ran through the bushes and thickets. After a few moments, Sky stopped. She looked at others and saw that they were cut and scratched by the thorns and prickles.



He stared hard ahead. Pretty soon, the leaves withered and burst into flames.

“I was thinking of asking you to form an ice shield around us.”

“Oh. Sorry.”

“Wait, wouldn’t it be too obvious if they see this?”

“No. The flame will spread. Besides,” Sean turned towards Andrew. “He had already left some marks when he trampled on the ground.”

They agreed and started running again. This time everyone was cautious not to make a sound.

“Yahh!!” Sky yelped. They had reached the edge of a cliff. Peering over, waves of water crashed onto the jagged rocks below. They shuddered and withdrew themselves.

“I don’t fancy throwing myself down…” Tomas said.

“None of us do.” Sky quickly turned towards the rest of the group. “Anyone here, who can actually, fly?” It sounded very stupid in her head. But that’s the first thing she thought of, if only some of them could fly, then they might be able to ferry some across. Not all will be able to escape; she tried not to think of that just in case Zachary is listening.

Nice question.

Shut up Zachary.

Two of the teenagers stood out. “We can.”

One of the kid who were no older than ten said timidly, “Me too.”

“Now, some of us can’t fly. Therefore, I need you three to carry come of us across, to that island there.” She pointed to a small shape in the distance. “Is there any info on that island?” She looked at Chris.

“Nope. Just an island. It should be safe for us to go there.”

With the help of Jian, she quickly arranged who should be transported first. She did a head count and find that there’s six children, with six teenagers. The kids were her priority for most of them do not know how to defend themselves.

As soon as they are ready, the three fliers quickly launched themselves into the air. They shot off into the distance and disappeared. She would have asked them to carry more than that, but even with one passenger, it’s hard to go across in time.

“Okay. Is there anyone with super speed besides Tomas?”

There were five of them who can run as fast as Tomas. She made two of them carry one teenager towards the island. With the teenager clinging onto their backs, they dashed quickly on the surface of the water.

“Okay. The kids are out. How many people we have here?”

“13 of us.”

“Oh great. Now how are we supposed to go over there? Oh yes, I know! Anyone here is an empath?” She asked.

Out of the two remaining teenager, one stood out. “I am.” She was wearing gloves and stood further away from her companion.

Ian gave a growl. “If you are thinking what I’m thinking…”

Sky cut him off. “No time for arguments.” She beckoned the girl to come closer and bid her to take off her gloves. Then steeling herself, she touched the both of them.

The effect was instantaneous, she slumped to the ground, and her breathing came out in shallow gasp. The girl and Ian tried to jerk their arms away but she held on. It wasn’t until they transform that she was willing to let go.

“Now, get two of us each and carry them out.”

Ian took Han and Sean away, while the girl took Serene and Eliza. They protested but Jian side along with Sky and insisted that they escape first. After they were gone, her strength returned and she looked at the rest of the group.

“Well, I guess this is it. None of us can go across, I could bring along two but it wouldn’t help much. Therefore I’m staying.”

“Wait! You can’t just stay here, just go!” Jian snapped.

“I’m not going. I’m not leaving you guys here.”

Tomas placed himself firmly on the ground. “Me too.”

Her friends just sat down, resigned. They could hear voices shouting; pretty soon they would back in the dreaded place. Sky was determined not to go quietly; she will fight to death if she had to. The looks on her friends face tells them the same thing too.

“So… You are a shield. Eh?” Jian asked Chris.

“Yeap. How did I do it I never know, it just came.”

“Well, maybe you can hold them off later on.”


Smokes were rising up in a distance behind them, the fire was spreading, and she hoped it stall them for good.

“Look!” Andrew suddenly pointed into a distance. They saw a blur shape moving across the water surface so fast that they hardly leave any marks. Moments later, two of the teenagers that Sky had sent off just now were standing, dripping wet.

“What are you doing here?” Jian demanded.

“To rescue you guys. You think we’re going to leave you out here to die? Come on, Crystal here can take one of you, I can take one.”

A few minutes later, they were off, carrying Andrew and Tsukoyumi between them. Tomas went off with Zachary. And now all there’s left is Jian, Sky and Chris.

“Well, I suppose I have to carry you guys.” She sighed. Jian grabbed her legs while she locked her arms across Chris’s chest. The shouting was getting nearer, pretty soon all of the men would be over them. They had no time to lose.

“Hold on… And here we go!” Sky yelled and flapped her wings as hard as she could. It shocked her that her friends were dragging her down, but she used all her energy to rise up to the sky.

Suddenly, she felt warm wind against her wings and soon she was able to ride the thermal up.

“Jian? Is that you?”

“Yeah! Is it helping you?” He yelled from below.

“Of course! Keep your head down, don’t lose your grip, be…”

At that moment, she turned and saw something that made her stopped in mid air. The woman was standing at the cliff, directing a gun at her. Sky quickly spun around to the other side but she saw two military jets shooting towards them.

They were toast.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh my God! Sorry I had to leave you all in suspense... Comments!