Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings


“Surrender now~” The woman said in a sing song voice, mocking them. She aimed the gun carefully at them. “You can’t escape.”

“Try me!” Sky yelled. She started doing loops in the air, moving with surprising agility. The light beams missed the trios by inches.

“Please don’t do that again!” Chris pleaded, his face turning a shade of green.

“I’ll get her!” Jian shouted.

“No! We need your energy to stop those military jets!” Sky started towards the island, cautiously avoiding the deadly beams.

One of the jets fired a shot at her. However, the bullet went haywire before it reached her and changed its course, going in a zigzag pattern before being redirected towards the jet. The jet did a loop and the bullet missed.

All on cue, the two jets rapid fired simultaneously. It was so fast that Sky didn’t even have time to react.

“Chris, stop the bullets!” She yelled, flapping as hard as she could, she zoomed towards the island.

“I’m trying! There’s too many!” He yelled back.

Sky tried to keep herself stable so that Jian could slow down the bullets as well, but she felt herself getting dragged down as time goes by.

Jian used heat energy to slow them down; most of the bullets went wide. But they were neither winning nor losing.

When Sky was almost at the island, a sharp pain pierced one of her wings. She turned and saw a gunshot wound, so huge that she couldn’t keep her balance in the air.

She flapped unsteadily, hoping that her wing will healed quickly. However, it didn’t and the beams were getting more and more accurate. They had to reach the island soon, or they would not live to see another day.

“Sky! Quickly! I can’t hold them off! And I think they are going to fire a missile next!” Chris shouted.

“Jian! Form a plate of ice to cover my wound! Hurry!” Sky yelled in desperation.

A cold numb feeling spread across her right wing as Jian worked his power. Finally, a blue patch of ice covered the wound, numbing the pain and helping her to regain balance at the same time. It wasn’t pleasant.

She heard a whirl of wind and dived sharply. A missile shot past them.


There was no answer. She looked and saw that he had passed out, his arms locked firmly on the laptop.

“That does it.” She turned and faced the jets and the woman.

“What are you doing?!” Jian screamed.

She ignored him and concentrated hard, focusing the energy to her voice. She opened her mouth and screamed, sending shockwaves towards them. The air in front of her shimmered as the shockwaves passed through them.

BOOM! The jets exploded in an instant, while the woman held her hands out front, stopping the shockwaves before it could reach her. Sky was shocked, what kind of powers does this woman possessed?

Not wasting another second, Sky used her remaining energy and dived down, ignoring the whistling sounds of the wind and the trees. As the island got bigger in her view, she dived into the trees to hide. The branches cut her, but she just continued until she was surrounded by a colour of green.

“Be ready to let go!” Sky warned and banked sharply, brushing by a low branch by inches. Jian let go and went “oof!” as his wind got knocked out from him. He practically hugged the branch as Sky landed slowly. She released her grip and Chris fell face down. She turned him over and screamed mentally.

Zachery!! If you are nearby, please! Help us! Chris is injured!

She waited for a few moments and started when Jian spoke up.

“Uh, could you help me down?” He was trying his best to place his footing on another branch but it was too far.

“Oh, sorry. Hang on.” She flew up and carried him down. After Jian got down, he massaged his hands and looked at Chris.

Sky gave a yelp and sat down. The ice patch was melting, and it hurt, a lot.

“Ouch. Why didn’t it heal?” Jian winced.

“I don’t know, maybe the healing abilities couldn’t heal it.”

Both of them sat silently, watching Chris. Their bodies tired out by the encounter.
However, they did not want to lose the mild sweetness of their first victory. That
sweetness was their only hope to cling on amongst the bitter beginnings.

“There you are.” Zachery hacked his way through the thick bush using a crudely made wooden knife.

“Took you long enough.” Sky and Jian said.

“Hey, it wasn’t my fault you guys landed up in a dense and hard to find area. Someone was kind enough to call me but not tell me where you guys are.” Zachery eyed Sky as the carried and supported Chris. Sky was too exhausted to retaliate.

“Lets get back to the others before they start to get worried.” Zachery lead the way as Sky and Jian gathered their last strength to follow him.
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Hey guys! I (Piano) decided to add in another author, Valkryie so that she can post the story when I'm having severe writers' block.
