Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings

Project Element

Sky woke to the sound of silence. For a moment she was confused at where she was at. Then she sat up and looked around. The fire had burn down to glowing embers. She looked towards the cave and could make out a few sleeping figures.

She stretched and started walking away from the cave, into the trees. Behind her, she heard the leaves rustle as her wings came into contact with them. Her bandaged wing flinched a little and she hugged it closer to her.

It took her a while before she realized what was wrong about that island. She peered closer at the rocky ground. There were no insects on the ground, she went over to a tree trunk and inspected it.

“Hmmm, no wonder the island was so quiet…” She murmured and started walking back to the cave.

When she reached there, a group of people were gathered there already. She did not need to do a head count to realize that a whole lot of people had gone MIA.

Jian was standing away from the group, putting his hand out, with the palm facing outwards. From the disturbance in the air, Sky could only guess he’s generating heat energy.

A crash behind Sky made them turned their heads towards the sound. Aerie came bounding into the clearing, her green eyes shining.

“The foreign people are missing.” Tomas reported as he came out from the cave. Han rolled his eyes and sat down.

“Why did they actually go missing?”

“Would I know? Whatever it is, we have own matters in our hand to take care. If they are foolish enough to wander away from us, they’ll just have to make do without us.” Ian said harshly.

Sky looked at Aerie. “Did you realize anything strange about the forest?”

Aerie looked at her before settling down on the forest floor. “I don’t think you need me to answer it right?”

The group had been listening to their conversation with interest. Zachery muttered, “No insects at all?”

“None at all.” Sky replied.

Andrew whistled. “Weird.”

Chris suddenly spoke up. “How’d you know whether the others hadn’t been kidnapped by that woman?”

“And she left us unharmed here? She tried to kill us, remember?” Han snapped. Everyone fell silent for a moment.

“Maybe they’re here? Just not with us?” Sky suggested feebly. The thought of the woman capturing those kids without them knowing it made her feel ill.

“They are not here.”

All necks cricked as everyone looked at Serene.

“How’d you know?” Han asked.

Serene was silent for a moment. “I can see.” See, as in like, super vision.

Instinctively all the girls draw their clothes closer to themselves. Tomas raised his eyebrow and looked at others.

“I meant X- ray vision.” Serene said hastily. “I can see your skeletons, and if I really focus properly,” She tilted her head to one side and gazed intently to the trees. “I can see through the trunks and check to see if there are others around.”

Aerie raised her head up. “Why didn’t you tell us?”

“I only found out this morning, it nearly gave me a heart attack. Imagine, waking up and seeing through skins and saw skeletons instead.” She shuddered.

“Okay… So Serene has found out her power… What about…” Sean’s voice trailed off. Everyone averted their gazes from one another; they noticed the bitterness in his voice too.

Sky broke the tense silence. “So what do we do know?”

Andrew stood up, the whole ground shook. “Attack them!”

Zachery frowned. “No, we barely escaped from there alive yesterday.”

“But we scared them!”

A loud voice boom out. “Yeah right, you saw what that woman can do.”

“Tsukoyumi!” Han hissed.

“Sorry, it’s hard to keep my voice down, I’m still getting used to the fact that I have sonicboom voice.”

“Then try!”

“Okay okay, calm down, I’ll shut up now.”

Chris was typing furiously into the laptop. “Hey guys! Check this out.”

Everyone crowded around him, craning their necks to watch the screen.


“I found this file, but it’s encrypted, I can’t break through it. It says… ‘Project Element 094’, wonder what it is.”

“Probably some experiment involving us.” Ian said in a disgusted tone. He walked away from the group and settled down again.

“I still say we attack.” Andrew insisted.

Eliza, who was silent till now, started to speak. “I agree with Andrew.”

Sky looked at her in surprise; this isn’t what sensible Eliza would say.

“There is no point if we were to stay here, we need to attack. Or at least find some transportation to go home.”

Before they could respond, the forest floor gave way beneath them.
♠ ♠ ♠
One more chapter and an epilogue to go!