Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings

The Mistake

Nevada Test Site 05-03-2009 1.30 p.m.

“Dr. Bets, how’s the preparation coming up?”

“It’s coming along fine, General Burke. We’re expecting to launch it really soon.”

“Good. And I hope the calculation is precise? We do not want any mistake this time. Is that very clear?”

“Extremely. We’ve done all that is possible to make sure that this is a success.”

“Very well. Carry on.”

Dr. Bets started typing furiously into the computer to gain access into the system. She barked some orders into the radio and after a few minutes, they were ready.

General Burke crossed his fingers behind his back. After that disaster from the Castle Bravo dry fuel thermonuclear hydrogen bomb test, he hoped that this would not go wrong. After all, the amount of uranium and other explosive chemicals used were more than double from the last experiment. If this goes wrong, he shuddered to think of what would happen.

“Experiment 3-2-5 launching. Please do not alter any code in the process of testing.”

“Got it. Enjoy the show, General.”

Burke sat down and gazed through the glass. They could see the device pointing nose down at a distance.

“Experiment 3-2-5 launching in 10 seconds. 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4…”

Burke found himself sweating profusely, despite the assurance from Dr. Bets earlier on.

“3, 2, 1”

A white light suddenly appeared from the test site, blinding them momentarily. Moments later, the whole base rocked violently as the force of the bomb went underground. Burke was thrown to the ground. As he pulled himself up, he could see fissure forming along the ground. A ball of fire was forming and rolling rapidly towards Base 1 and 2.

“Dr. Bets! What the hell is going on?!” He yelled. A giant mushroom cloud was forming above where the bomb had struck, obscuring their view from the other 2 bases.

Dr. Bets quickly snatched up the speaker and spoke rapidly, “This is Bets here, Base 1, report.”

No answer. All they could hear was the faint crackling of the radio and nothing else.

“Base 2! What is going on there?!” Dr. Bets tried again. She was about to make a third attempt when Burke seized her and threw her to the ground.

A roaring sound filled in their ears and something huge smashed into the base, crushing and destroying it. Others who could not escape in time were killed, and there’s no need to say for those who had been in Base 1 and 2.

The Base 1 building, which had been the nearest to the explosion site, was disintegrated to ashes in seconds. Base 2 survived the blast but the people inside there died instantly.

Wave after wave of radiations, heat, and shockwaves was swept all over United States as well as the rest of the world. Some people stopped in their daily routine and wondered for a moment what was all that about as a fraction of it passed through their body, while others went on, not noticing anything different.

As the massive fissure struck the ground, it travelled to the underground deep sea started to create Tsunami waves which crossed over the ocean without notice, finally rising up till a few hundred meters in height at the shores.

After 20 minutes, the explosion stopped and the 2 remaining survivors from the test site got up, shaken and covered in rubble. They stared about them in horror at the remains of the destructive weapon.

Burke was the first one to spoke up. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine. I mean…” Bets didn’t have a chance to finish her sentence. She felt nauseated and doubled over, spasm rocked her body. She tried to speak but her tongue seemed to have frozen in place. A red film descended in front of her eyes, and all she heard was Burke calling her name again and again.

A ripping sound was heard at the same time Bets started screaming in pain. Her body felt like it was on fire! Is this the pain people felt when they happen to be in the path of the nuclear test? Is this how the people in Hiroshima and Nagasaki died when ‘Little Boy’ and ‘Fat Man’ were detonated in their city?

God, let this agony end! She screamed in her mind.

She must have been twitching for an eternity before the pain subsided. Breathing hard, Bets got up and found Burke staring at her in horror.

“Burke?” Her voice sounded all wrong. What’s wrong with her?

General Burke did not respond, instead he drew something out from his pocket.

A sting was all Bets felt before she gave herself up to the waiting darkness.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another update. Read, enjoy and comment if you please. =D