Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings

The Discovery

SMK Seafield 06-03-2009 1.50 p.m.

“Whoa! Stop it man!” Eliza squealed as Sky gave her a kidney jab. She dodged away, laughing and running from Sky.

Sky snickered and sat down, out of breath. “Get used to it; you’re going to face this for the whole year.”

Like any other ordinary day, the students of 4D were in its usual chaotic state. Their voices could be heard along the row on their block which is consist of one floor only. Some were fooling around some just sat in a circle and talked loudly as if all of them are half deaf.

The teacher, who had apparently tried to get the class in order a few minutes earlier so that she could start teaching, gave up and rubbed her temples, all the while complaining that they were the worse bunch she had ever taught.

None of them could expect that something unusual was about to happen to them. Something that could change their lives, forever. To them, today is just another journey of life, another day.
Sky looked around for someone else to play her trick on and saw Ian talking animatedly with Sean. She put her finger to her lips and motioned Sean not to give her away as she tip toed lightly towards Ian. She held her breath and leaned closer to Ian.


Ian jumped and glared at Sky. “Oh yeah, that’s real mature.”

“Never said that I was mature.” She grinned.

Ian was about to reply when they all felt a slight tremble against their desk. Moments later, they felt something light passed through their class. Not only their class, but through their very flesh and blood. Sky shot a glance at Eliza, and from her expression she gathered that she too had felt the strange wind.

Sky looked around the class; some of them seemed too had noticed the unusual phenomenon. Leon’s hands were poised over his books and he glanced around him nervously. Tsukoyumi, who was yelling like some hooligan few minutes ago had quiet down and wore a very peculiar expression on his face.

Others, however, had not noticed anything at all. The activities in class went on as usual.

Eliza quickly took a place beside Sean and Ian. From the looks on their face, they too had experience what she felt.

Sean was the first to spoke.

“What was that?”

“I don’t know, seems like some sort of wind passing through but…”

“It felt very peculiar.” Eliza said quietly.

Sky frowned and moved her lower jaw from side to side. She always does that when she’s annoyed or frustrated. She sat down slowly and sank into her own thoughts.

Meanwhile, Sean was trying to find an explanation for what had happened. “Maybe it’s just the wind.”


Suddenly, a low rumble seemed to issue from the ground itself. All the desks and chairs started to tremble, first a gentle quiver, then to a violent shaking. Screams were heard from other classrooms and also from some of their classmates. Everyone scrambled for the door, only to fall down as the ground jerked beneath them. The walls seemed like they were about to fall apart as rubbles began to peeled from the ceilings.

“Quickly! Get out! The ceilings are about to collapse!”

All of them struggled up again, only to find themselves thrown to one side as they lost their balance.

Suddenly a voice rang out clearly from the amidst the noises.

“Get down under the desk! Hurry!”

Who said that? It was all Sky could think of as she felt someone pushing her, forcing her under the desk. She groped around blindly and found Eliza on the floor.

Quick as a flash, she grabbed Eliza and tried to pull her along, out of harm’s way.


One of the electric fans had fallen to the ground, narrowly missing Sean by a few inches. Other students had managed to clamber out of the classroom, to the field directly outside.

Eliza dashed under one of the desk and moments later Sky plowed into her.


“Where’s Ian?!!” Sean’s voice issued from the opposite table.

Sky struggled to see around but moments later, an odd yawning sound was heard. She looked up and the last thing she saw was the stupid decoration they had hung on their fan as the ceiling collapsed, burying them under layers of debris and rubbles.
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I know I'm moving a little bit fast. =D. Besides I have to take the time switching names since I actually used my friends' real names when I drafted the plot.