Status: Done

Refraction Of The Wings

Escaped? Not!

“Now she’s coming to, wake up Sky!”

Sky opened her eyes for what seemed the tenth time and gave a groan. She tried to look around but everything was so dark.

When her eyes had adjusted, she found that they were in some sort of black cell, and she could vaguely make out some of the black shape on the other side of it.

Turning around, she saw Eliza, still out cold, and Ian sitting surly at a corner. She touched her head and could find nothing. Her healing ability had healed her head, once again. But it also made her mad. Why is she always getting hurt or knocked out just because of a blow?

“If I even find out who did this to me, I’ll personally make sure that person pays.” She snarled quietly under her breath.

Sean just gave a sigh and said, “I wish it's that easy.”

“Where are we?”

It was Ian who answered. “In hell.”

“A more precise answer would be nice. How did we land here?”

“Something small just struck your head and you were out. Next thing we knew, all of us were here.”

“Great, just great. Has anyone seen where we were taken to?”

“Hey, don’t ask us. You were the one who’s supposed to heal first.” Ian snapped.

What’s with him? Sky thought angrily.

A dry voice issued out from the other side. “He’s just upset.”

All three of them gave a yelp of surprise, squinting her eyes, she saw someone making his way to them.

What the- Sky drew a sharp gust of breath when she saw who was it.

“Yeah, it’s me all right. Why all the questions in your head?”

“Zachery!” Sean yelled. Then he shut up when Sky smacked his head.

“How did you get h-?”

“Just got here, yes we all have powers; no not all of us who were at school were captured.”

Sky gasped. He had answered every single one of her question. Does it mean…?

“Yeah, I can read your minds. That’s…” He gestured with a quick flick of his wrist. “My power.”

“Wow.” Ian said sarcastically. Zachery stared at him for a moment.

“I’m not lying, and are you seriously an empath? By the way, take that rude language off your head please.”

Ian’s mouth dropped open and he gaped at Zachery.

Sky stifled a snicker behind her hand. Can you hear what I’m thinking now?

“Yes.” Zachery answered. Sean looked at him in surprise.

Why are we here?

“I don’t know, they said that they were going to ask us a few question, and the last thing I remembered was facing some man and something hit me.”

How about others? Who else had they got?

“They got here the same way as I do. Only slightly later than me.”

Are they awake yet?

“No.” Sean was beginning to look very annoyed and Zachery mumured, “In a minute Sean.”

Who else?

“Andrew, Tsukoyumi, Jian, Serene, Chris, and a few others.”

Any others?

“I’m not sure but I could have sworn I saw some kids that are not familiar, and they have those European looks on them.”

So where do you think we are now?

“I’m thinking somewhere in US.”

Me too.

“Now, can you tell me what happened? We saw you guys got rescued from the wreckage and piled into the ambulance.”

Suddenly he whipped his head towards Sean, his eyebrows knitted together in concentration. Once or twice he winced and mouthed, ‘Ouch.’.

Then, he straightened up and turned towards Sky, awe and apprehension on his face.

“You… You changed into a demon?”

I wouldn’t say that, it’s more like a shape, that’s all.

“Well, still, it’s gotta be the most extraordinary powers among us.”

“Maybe. Could you bring us to others?” Sky noted the looks on Sean and Ian’s faces and had spoken up for the sake of them.

Zachery shrugged. “Come on then. They should be waking up by now; I saw some of them stirring when I got to you guys.”

“Wait!” Ian said and gestured to Eliza. “What about her?”

“I’ll help carry her, can’t fly here.”

Sky walked over and grabbed one of Eliza’s hands while Zachery grabbed the other. Sean put his hand against the wall for support.

Together they walked silently across the huge cell and stopped. Sky reached out a hand and touched the wall, it felt like steel.

Others had awakened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Phew. Sorry for the lack of updates. Comments of course!