Malchik Gay

Chapter 12

"You two are the laziest bitches I ever met!" A male voice boomed into my room, and it wasn't my dad. I lay still for a second, trying to reconise the voice. My eyes shot open with a start.

"Alexei!" I cried, jumping out of bed and rushing to my older cousin. He hugged me tight, at least a foot taller than me, with a footballer's build. He was in baggy black jeans and a Misfits shirt. He had long blond hair and his fringe was dyed black. Lena greeted him as usual, she had met him many times before and had befriended him long ago. He actually had a crush on her, but I wasn't going to ruin my new chances by telling her.

"Hi Yulia. Still in bed at this hour. Even for the next international superstar and her pretty little friend that's appalling. I glanced at the clock on the bedroom wall and raised my eye brows at him.

"It's ten o clock in the morning! I only caught nine hours sleep last night." They both laughed at me and Lena came over to hug him. I saw his eye widen a little at her clothing, or lack of and he went red when he hugged her. I rolled my eyes at him and he stuck his tongue out.

"So how was last night? Tell your dear big cousin all about it." That's just what we did. We filled him in on every detail from the crowds reaction, to our lesbian act. His jaw dropped and he widened his eyes at me in mock disgust.

"Yulia Volkova and Lena Katina! Your both fifteen years old and should not be engaging in such vulgar acts. Not to mention your both determindly straight." We laughed awkwardly to screw with him, and when I turned back, I suddenly felt her arms snake around my waist from behind and her warm breath on my neck.

"Or are we Alexei." We both laughed at his shocked expression. He shook his head at us and excused himself to let us get ready. Even once he was gone, her arms stayed around my waist. I could feel a heat between us. It wasn't physical. It was like a tingling feeling on the skin that was in contact with her. It seemed to burn but with no pain. She turned me around and moved her arms round my neck, I thought she was gonna kiss me, but she just laughed and pushed me down on my bed. She turned and skipped away to get ready at the other side of my room, leaving me a bit over whelmed and adrenaline coursing through me. I didn't let myself lay there long, or she'd know it had affected me.

"Haha, even your cousin fell for it for a bit. He's kind of cute though if I'm honest." I had to tell her the truth.

"Too bad he has a girlfriend isn't it." She moaned in a mock sadness.

"Ah shit I can never catch a break. Who is she?" You can catch me anytime.

"Some girl. I think she'll be downstairs, I heard another girl talk so I'm guessing it could be her." She nodded and pulled on grey skinny jeans with a Michael Jackson tee shirt. I shook my head and made her sit on the floor between my legs while I sat on the bed and did her hair.

"You always demand to do my hair. Why?" She asked, turning her head a little and relaxing against my bed.

"It's always so soft and shiny. It's fun. Keep it down today? It looks so much nicer down." She shrugged and pulled her socks on while she was down there.

"Whatever you say boss." Whatever I say? Turn around, get up here and kiss me. I wish I could say that out loud to her.

"Come on, get dressed." I rolled my eyes at her sudden dominant role, but pulled on baggy black combats and a black tee shirt anyway.

"Funeral much?" She laughed at me and shoved me playfully, which quickly turned into a race downstairs while shoving each other into the walls on the way down. By the time we got into the living room, our laughing and banging had gotten everyones attention and my mom, dad, aunt, cousin and his friend were all looking at us with raised eyebrows. I remembered the girl with Alexei. I remembered seeing her on the bus with another girl on the way to tennis with Lena two years ago. She didn't seem to remember me.

"Yulia, Lena, this is Hannah. A friend I have from school." We waved and greeted her in a friendly way and Lena went and sat with my mom, it was like they wanted to see each other more than me sometimes. I sat with Alexei and Hannah. She was a pretty intimidating to look at, but her eyes were soft and calm, a rich dark blue and green color. She had on eyeliner and mascara, which really brought them out and gave her a soft looking beauty. Her bottom lip had two tiny shiny purple spikes piercing it. Poor lip. Her jeans were dark blue with a lot of pockets in them and her pink tee shirt with a skull on it entertained me with it's shiny rainbow colored head phones. She wore a Batman hoodie over and red earphones hung down from the neck of her top. She didn't talk much, but when she did, she made us all laugh. She accepted a cup of tea with a ravonous look in her eye that made me and Lena laugh.

Lena occasionally looked at her with a spot of jealousy, but by the look of this girl, she didn't stereotypically look straight to me, though I didn't point this out to Lena.

My living room was warm, our covered stone fireplace letting off a homely glow around the room. Our red couches and dark grey carpet emphasised the while walls with the dark grey borders and paintings of Roses and other annoying red flowers littered the walls. The room was alive with lively banter, and everybody joined in conversations. Uncle Vlad and Aunt Alexandra were the ones to mainly keep conversation alive. They were lively, outgoing and talkative people who could make a stone giggle while talking about the weather. We loved them. They brought up mine and Lena's concert a few times, and offered to try and rent out the local concert hall if we ever wanted to do another show more locally, we jumped at the idea and they said they'd look into it for us.

My mum kept playing with Lena's hair. She was like a second daughter to my mom. I think my mom missed her more than I did a lot of the time. Well no for obvious reasons she didn't, but she did miss her. Lena loved my mom, and often called her mom. My dog came trotting in with his chew toy, and decided he would like to chew it on my leg, so my pants were now stained with dog drool and was covered in slobbery bits of chew toy.

Lena laughed at my mock disgust at my slobbery, yet still adorable Irish Red Setter. He looked up at me with big eyes, and decided my chin could do with a lick. I laughed and tickled his belly. Lena crawled over (showing amazing clevage I might add) and sat beside me, she was leaning on her arm but her arm was behind me and I could feel it against my back. I leaned on her a little but only for a split second. I wondered to myself if she'd do what those texts had demanded her to do. I'd noticed while she was sitting with my mom that she kept ficking open her phone and reading, and replying, to texts. She had had a very nervous expression on her face.

Before she'd crawled over, I'd watched her push her cell under my couch and leave it there. Obviously purposefully ignoring the texts. I saw it light up more than once, but everyone else either didn't notice, or didn't care.

While everyone else was laughing at my aunt and uncle ranting on about the pollution of todays society, me and Lena were in a deep conversation about our next show. We both agreed we'd need to write our own songs. We just had to plan that one out and actually get something started today. I had a few ideas.
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Don't forget! This is my second update today so if a subscription link led you to this chapter, don't forget you may still have chapter 11 to read!