Malchik Gay

Chapter 34

"There's nothing sly about that Elena Katina." I sighed, examining the blood red hickey on the side of my neck in her mirror . She stood behind me, her hands firmly holding my waist. She had a sheepish look on her face. She caught my eye in the mirror and we both blushed a little.

"I'm sorry, genuinely, but, in my own defense babes, you weren't complaining last night." She kissed the side of my neck and hugged my waist. My eyes closed and I leaned back against her, since she was taller than me, I seemed to fit perfectly against her. I opened my eyes and smiled at her.

"I know, but neither when you when my tongue was between your legs." She blushed furiously and let me go to finish getting herself ready. I was walking a little stiffly, since I was still sore. We'd only been up about half an hour. My black hair was flicked, and my steely Grey eyes seemed to be shining more than usual. I felt happy and elated, though, she didn't need to know how much everything she did and said meant to me. I knew nothing would come of it, but I was happy to at least be given the chance to show her the affection I'd wanted to. Not the sexual part of it, though, I wouldn't have changed it. It meant more to me that I woke up with my head on her shoulder and my hand laced in hers.

"Lena?" I asked, prolonging the 'A' at the end of her name. She was on her knees on her bedroom floor, looking for something under her bed. She looked over with a suspicious look.


"Could I borrow your foundation?" I asked, looking as innocent as possible. She sighed with a smiled and pulled out three pots from her draw. She tossed them on the bottom of her bed and I smeared a little of each on the back of my hand to compare skin tones. The second one I tested was the right one almost exactly. She crawled over between my legs and took the pot off me. I squeaked at her in protest and she awed me.

"Shut up. I want to do it." She whispered with a slight laugh. I smiled and lay back on the bed as she told me to do while she lay beside me, leaning on one elbow. She rubbed some one the foundation on her finger before slowly rubbing it on my neck. It was over a sweet spot, so her touch turned me on. I sighed and closed my eyes while she rubbed the foundation over the hickey on my neck. My eyes widened suddenly and made her jump.

"What's wrong?" Lena asked me, while she screwed the lid back on the foundation tub. Lucky tub.

"I have this huge hickey and we have a video shoot today." She smiled and lay beside me, her arm over my waist. She was smirking.

"Why do we always manage to get lucky the night before or the night after a video shoot?" She winked and pecked my lips before jumping up and pulling me with her. I let her pull me downstairs and force me to eat a slice of buttered toast with her. She made me sweet tea and we sat in the kitchen while we ate. I didn't really speak to her parents like she did with mine so we didn't sit with them.

We finished up just in time, as an all too familiar car horn blasted outside. Butterflies awoke in my stomach and I couldn't help but smile. I opened the door to let her know we heard her and waved while I got my sneakers on. Lena kissed my cheek on her way past to get she shoes and Carey got a jealous look in her eye. I looked sheepish while I made my out to her car, assured by Lena that 'she wouldn't be a minute'. Carey let me into the car and sat in the passenger doorway.

"That's not sly you know." She said quietly, taking a drag on her cigarette. I decided to play dumb.

"What isn't?" She turned and looked back at me with an obvious look on her face.

"The hickey on the side of your neck. It's only pale, because of her foundation."

"How do you know it's hers?" She died out her cigarette and smiled at me, slipping a mint gum into her mouth to kill the smoke smell.

"Come on baby, since when do you have foundation?" She grinned, and got into the drivers seat when Lena appeared.

"Morning Carey." She said cheerfully. Carey raised her eyebrows at me in the rear view mirror. I smiled innocently and blushed. She shook her head and drove us to the video set. Dylan was already there, and Carey looked at me sympathetically through the rear view mirror. I just smiled softly and took a heavy breath. She pulled the car over roughly and let me us out. Lena ran straight over to him and he lifted her up in a hug, kissing her quickly.

"Yulia, stop glaring, your been obvious. Just think of it this way, your the one who was doing her last night, hard by the looks of your neck, he wasn't." I smirked at the voice in my ear, who was actually Carey who had her hands firmly on my waist from behind.

"Yeah maybe, but he's going to be the one who'll have his hands all up her shirt on set."

"That doesn't matter, both of us know she's smart enough not to sleep with him." I nodded, feeling reassured and she hugged me quickly and took me by the hand into the make up and costume room. I had to change my outfit to the designated costume. It wasn't much of a costume, just a white dress. It was sleeveless, and reached my mid thighs. I had to be wearing white underwear, which I was, and white sneakers, as I was. The hairdresser made my hair a little more flicked and put light, and pale foundation on my face and neck, recovering the hickey while making me less shiny. Carey was leaning on the counter beside me, talking to me the whole time, tormenting me since she knew I wasn't one for make up, no matter what the situation was.

"Yulia, please sit still." She asked while the woman was trying to get lipstick on me.

"No! I hate lipstick, I can't talk properly with it on, my lips stick believe it or not, how do u expect me to sing in it?" Carey gave into my childish whining and told the make up artist to leave my lips alone. She winked when she said it, making me smile through the layers of annoying make up. It was very casual, I didn't look much different, just paler, but the feeling of make up was strange. Lena grinned at me playfully when I was led out, looking sulky. I was kind of pale naturally, but I was becoming more tanned the older I got, just like Lena's eyes were getting more blue. She draped her arm over me and made me blush, very secretly though as you couldn't see through the pale foundation. She kissed my cheek and I took the props I needed, like the bag with the bomb in it.

Dylan met us on set. His hair had been cropped short and dyed brown, he didn't look very happy.

"Nice hair cut babes." Lena smiled, she looked thunderous.

"I'm glad you fucking like it!" He cursed. I glared at him and stood very slightly in front of Lena. Been smaller than her, I probably wouldn't have been able to defend her if he lashed out, but I would still try.

"I do. It looks nice." She smiled at him, resting her hand on his arm. He shrugged her off roughly and knocked her back a little, I caught and balanced her before trying to take off after him, but an arm wrapped around my waist and pulled me back, temporarily taking me off my feet.

"Why do you always show up at the wrong moments?" I smiled at Carey while she kept her arm around my waist until he'd walked away. She smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"So I can protect you both. I'll talk to him Lena, don't worry. Come here." Carey gave her a hug as she was clearly hurt by his roughness with her. I was kind of glad he'd reacted like that. It would make things so much easier to persuade her to leave him. Maybe for me. I was living a fantasy.

Carey let her go to me while she went after Dylan. I sat down on a small box and she sat beside me, our arms linked and her head on my shoulder, like she did when we recorded 'All The Things She Said'. I smiled and kissed the top of her head.

"It'll be okay Lena. Face it, you guys wont last, so give him a smack and if he hits you back, me and Carey will murder him." She smiled up at me and I glanced around quickly before pecking her lips. She sighed and relaxed against me. We jumped at the sound of a bang and went running to the room Carey was speaking to Dylan in, frightened that he'd become violent with her and had hit her. We were horribly wrong. It was the other way around. He was on the floor looking shocked, while she stood above him. So butch. I sighed and shook my head.

"Carey..." Lena muttered crouching down in front of Dylan. He apologized to her for been aggressive, and Carey smirked with triumph. Her hand opened behind her back and I hi fived her while Lena and Dylan couldn't see. We both smirked to ourselves.

"Come on. We have a video to shoot." Lena helped Dylan up and led him to their station, the center of a carousel. We were on a pier fair ground, and in the center was an old fashioned carousel, that was honestly scaring me. It looked dangerous and scary. I went inside the toilet block, sitting on the seat with this bag on my lap. The extra girls filed in and all began chatting, the smell of cigarette smoke filled my nose so I knew the shoot was about to start.

"Action!" Called our director, and our music and voices echoed around me. I was making a bomb out of dynamite and a mickey mouse alarm clock, while Lena was making out with Dylan in the center control box of the carousel. The bag I had belonged to Lena in the video, and she came and picked it up while we recorded the make out scene, so we could clearly see Dylan taking it from her shoulder and putting it beside them while they played tonsil tennis. It made me sick with jealousy. We cut after about five minutes of them kissing, and me and a small boy named Michael watching them. Michael was funny. As soon as they started kissing, he yelled out "Stop it! You'll have a baby!" Me and Lena fell about laughing, we couldn't control ourselves. Dylan looked fed up, a huge bruise on his face and his immature girlfriend on the floor with her best friend in hysterical laughter. Michael was about two or three, with short curly blond hair and dark green eyes. He was a riot. Such fun to work with.

During this hysterics break, the camera moved to the bathroom, to record me fixing up this bomb, and planting it 'slyly' in Lena's bag. Then Dylan took it back and placed in the bottom of their box. There was an old, broken carousel horse in there with them, which they were sat on while they made out, and the shooting continued. Lena pushed his shirt off and onto the floor, squeezing his shoulders and scratching his back when instructed. She laced her hands in his hair, and smiled into their kiss. I excused myself for a bathroom break. I sat in the toilet cubicle, unaware that there was a camera still shooting in there. I closed my eyes and tried not to cry, resting my head in my hands. I stayed there only a few minutes, Carey's arms wrapping around me when I reemerged, Lena and Dylan still locked together. I could almost see the director playing this back later while jerking off. I hated that man.

She moved her hands down the back of his jeans and scratched all up his back, while his hands wandered up her shirt. I knew this was not planned, but the director never called cut. A clown was making balloon animals and juggling beside the carousel, surrounded by 'mothers and their children'. Everything was very old fashioned. The clown had an orange brown face with the huge white smile and blue patches around his eyes. His curly yellow wig blew in the soft breeze. Dylan's hands wandered up her shirt, this time as planned, and lifted it as far as her shoulders, revealing her breasts and stomach. I looked away, feeling sick and dumb. Carey watched me from across the set, but I refused to look at her, when the camera moved back to me, to 'see my expression' I stared at a spot just beside them. I already knew how beautiful Lena was, I didn't need to watch someone else take that beauty from me.

Slowly, the crowd around the carousel disappeared, people moving off set, Michael having to be carried out because he wanted a ride and had to be promised one before we blew the set up. Eventually, the directors rushed Lena and Dylan away, since the set was real and we really were about to blow it up. Cardboard characters were placed in the carousel as we were rushed away by a little electric on set car to a safe distance and everyone made a get away. We stopped and me and Lena climbed through the sunroof to sit on the top and watch. We saw the false wind suddenly get really strong then...

Bang! The whole thing erupted into a cloud of fire, smoke and wind. The hot blast hit us. Not enough to hurt us, but we definitely felt the heat. Lena dragged me into her almost protectively as the air filled with ash. Michael really did want that ride, and started crying, so his mother, who was on set, took him off set and home, muttering that it was cruel to promise a child something that would be blown up. Dylan pulled Lena back into the car and had his arm around his waist. I dropped back in and accidentally fell on them as he was about to kiss her. Lena laughed and pushed me off, seeming to forget Dylan to play with me, trying to sit on me and keep me down, while Dylan huffed and puffed about his chances of getting laid getting lower.

"That was incredible." Lena said, finally giving up and just laying beside me on the cars floor. It wasn't even a car, it was like a low room on wheels. It was usually used for transporting props, or immature children in our case. I looked out of the window at the still bellowing smoke while the on set firemen tried to put it out. I glanced at Lena and smiled, and she did the same. Her thin white cotton shirt falling gracefully over her body.

Once we were back in our make up and costume rooms, once all the smoke had been taken care of and it was safe for us to go back, Carey came in to see if I was okay. I smiled when she came in.

"Hey honey. How did you find it?" I knew full well what she was on about.

"Hard. I hate him so much." She nodded and draped her arm over me.

"I'll bet it was. So do I. He's going to hurt her." I nodded and looked into my mirror while I washed off all the make up with a make up removing wipe. My natural color soon came back. I watched Carey in the mirror, butterflies filling my stomach. She was leaning again some filing cabinets in the back of the room, in the shadows. Her arms were folded across her chest. She was wearing a tight forest green t shirt with dark blue skinny jeans. She had a brown faux leather jacket on with a faux fur hood around her shoulders. Her dark blue converse disappeared into the shadows over casting the navy blue floors. Her Blondy brown hair fell over one eye and she smiled her perfect smile when I got caught looking.

"Like what you see honey?" She smiled, winking at me in the mirror.

"Yeah." I said honestly, smiling back at her. She smiled lopsidedly at me and stepped out, saying she was going to check on Lena and make sure Dylan hadn't raped her yet. I stood still panicking a little, before settling on the idea that she was joking.

I changed back into my jeans and tank top and waited beside Carey's car.

"Get in." She smiled, coming out of Lena's room and closing the door behind her. I opened the door and climbed into the back so Lena could sit in the front. To my surprise, Carey crawled in with me, and she continued to crawl in until she was leaning over me, her lips at my neck. I couldn't help but sigh and let my head fall to one side in pleasure.

"Carey..." I sighed, gently pushing her off.

"What?" She smiled, pecking my cheek before sitting beside me.

"We'll get caught." I said and she laughed.

"Oh, not because of the huge age gap, or the fact that your supposed to be publicly dating your best friend, but your scared we'll get caught? Talk about not having your priorities straight girl." She laughed before climbing between the seats and into the drivers seat.

"So tell me, what happened last night?" Carey asked, turning in her seat to face me.

"Pretty much everything. She told me she liked me, but knew it was just a fleeting crush, then we got kissing, well, making out, it was pretty heated, and we ended up in her shower. I went down on her until yeah, then we ended up back in her room and she returned the favor. Then I got this." I said holding my neck over the hickey. Carey raised her eye brows.

"She said she likes you?" She asked me, sounded disappointed. I nodded but repeated that Lena knew it was just a fleeting crush. She nodded and turned back while Lena emerged and got into the passenger seat of the car.

"Well that was fun." She smiled to herself, waving goodbye to Dylan.
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A nice long one based on the making of 30 Minutes. Enjoy and comment please :)