Malchik Gay

Chapter 46

I gently stroked the ultra soft material of the couch throw over. I kept glancing over at Lena on the other couch, often catching her eye and sharing a smile. Neither of us were even watching the television, too busy thinking about what we had previously shared together. I could almost still feel it. I closed my eyes tightly and shook the thought out of my head. I felt the couch move infront of me and lifted my arm to greet her. She snuggled in at the side of me, and lay her head on my chest. I smiled and kissed the top of her head, feeling her heat spread over me. Her warm breath warming my chest.

"Should we go upstairs? I'm falling asleep and if my mum comes home and we're curled up like this..." She muttered, a hint of bitterness in her voice.

"Yeah. Come on, don't want us in trouble." I smiled down at her and kissed her forehead before unwinding my arms from around her and letting her get up. We turned off downstairs and made our way to Lena's room, turning off the light behind us, then running full speed to bed so the monsters in the dark didn't get us. Like they do.

*Time Elapse*

"Miss Volkova!" I jumped a mile and sat up straight, suddenly back on earth and alert. I felt the heat rise in my cheeks as everyone turned to stare at me.

"It's three point four." Lena whispered harshly beside me.

"Three point four." I repeated louder, hoping she was right. The teacher gave me a pissed off look and wrote it on the chalk board.

"Thank you Miss Katina. I'd start listening if I were you Miss Volkova." I exhaled deeply and thanked Lena in a whisper. She smiled at me through her eye lashes and my heart skipped a beat.

I leaned forward on my arms and blew a bubble with my gum, glancing sideways at Lena, watching her stare into space. I smiled and looked back at the front, listening to our geography teacher Mrs Demidova talk about earthquakes and rictor scale readings. The rest of that class passed in a blur and then it was onto art. The ringing bell was a relief, excusing me from the dungeon of our underground classroom.

Lena walked beside me, her arm linked with mine.

"You really should start listening in class Yulia. I mean, I know I'm unavoidably attractive, but staring at me wont get you grades!" She teased playfully. I nudged her side gently with my elbow, and embarassed grin on my face.

"It's your fault! Your fault you're not a subject so I can pass you!" She laughed at me and walked me to my next class. I hated that we weren't in all the same classes, but she was in most of mine so I couldn't complain too much. She kissed my cheek as discretely as she could before saying goodbye at my art classroom door. She was only in the opposite classroom, in her textiles class, but even though I could see her through my classroom door window, I'd miss being able to speak to her.

We were told to draw a picture of a person or animal that we knew, from our imaginations for our assigned art project, and naturally, I wanted to draw her. I began with her outline, dragging it out and making it take me an hour so that I could just take it home and ask her to pose for it. The teacher wasn't all too happy about my lack of contribution to the class, but any contributions would have to damn well fit me too.

I sat on my stool and tried to imagine her in my head. The way she looked sitting on those swings five years ago, when the moonlight had lit up half of her beautiful face. I drew out the outline as well as I could.

"Who's that?" A sweet sounding voice asked over my shoulder. I jumped slightly at the unfamiliar voice behind me. I turned and saw one of the girls who usually sat alone at the back. Her hair was a rich dark brown, with eyes to match. I looked at her for a second, trying to find a hint of mockery in her seemingly genuine features.

"Her name's Lena..." I muttered quietly. The chair beside me was drawn out as she sat down beside me. My breath hitched in my throat and I waited for her to smear paint all over my work. She didn't.

"It's really good. Does she come here?" She looked at me questioningly and I nodded, still expecting a sudden outburst of abuse.

"Yeah... She's in the classroom opposite here right now."

"Awesome. Is she your sister or something?" Her inquisitiveness was worrying me slightly. Did she have other motives?

"No... She's my best friend, and my singing partner."

"Singing partner? Wow... Are you guys in a band?"

"Kind of. It's just the two of us."

"Sweet..." She stared off into space and nodded thoughtfully.

"She's beautiful." I stared at her hard and she smiled softly. A sudden protective barrier came up around me. Nobody better dare try and steal my Lena!

"Yeah she is. Her boyfriend thinks so as well." I couldn't help but show a cheeky smile at my own awesomeness. How brilliant I felt for saying Lena has a boyfriend to protect her.

"She has a boyfriend? Hmm... shame..." With that, she stood up and walked away. I blinked after her. Did she really just say that?

The ringing of the bell interupted my thoughts and I've never rushed out of class faster. I stood impatiently outside of Lena's classroom until they were dismissed.

"Hey Yu-!" I dragged her quickly outside.

"What the hell is going on?" She asked me with a small smile on her face. She looked down on me curiously, and I momentarily forgot why I had dragged her out here as I got lost in her eyes. I had to shake myself out of it.

"There's a girl in my class who think's your beautiful. I said you had a boyfriend to make her back off, and she said shame!"

"Yulia? You're not jealous are you?" She touched my arm gently and I suddenly felt my cheeks go hot.

"A... A little..."

"Aw Yulia! You're sweet, but don't worry. I don't even know the girl. How did she know what I look like anyway?" I held up the picture I'd been drawing and showed her. Her eyebrows rose slightly and her eyes moved across the paper.

"You drew this?" I nodded.

"This is brilliant!" I smiled with a light blush and thanked her. She linked her arm with mine and pulled me away.

"Come on. Let's not think about some girl who I don't even know wanting me, and go get lunch."
♠ ♠ ♠
Holy hell! It's been so long since I updated!
Hopefully I'm gonna get this story back up and running because I miss writing it!
I'm so sorry to the subscribers I have left! I hope those of you who have stuck with me comment on this =3
And thank you to those of you who HAVE stuck by me =] x
Much love to you all!