Malchik Gay

Chapter 5

"Mum? Can Yulia stay over tonight? Since there's no school tomorrow?" Lena asked innocently leaning around her door frame. Her mother, with her same good looks but darker hair, smiled and nodded. Lena grinned and thanked her, before running back upstairs to me smiling. I was still sitting on her double bed, but I was now clutching her doll protectively. She sat beside me and pulled out her shoes.

"Where are you going? Are you leaving me?! No!?" I cried. She laughed at me and shook her head.

"No come on. We're going to yours to ask your parents if you can stay the night. So if they say yes, get your sleep over things." She grinned and pulled me off the bed by my wrist. She led me through her house and out of the front door. I admired the white walls and polished wooden floors briefly while she dragged me around. The house was pretty big, as was her room. Once on the street, she let my wrist go and walked steadily beside me. The first thing everybody noticed about our large cottage style house was the red ivy crawing slowly up our brick walls. That was no exception with Lena, I could see she admired it, unlike a lot of our neighbours. Me and my family had always liked it. I pushed open the thick oak door and the smell of cooking food made our mouths water.

"Mom! Mom I'm home!" I heard her yell a greeting from the kitchen and led Lena through. I caught my dad in the sitting room being a typical dad and reading the news paper. My mum was being a typical mum and making cookies in the kitchen. My dog, was being a typical dog and was sniffing our shoes eagerly. Lena got onto her knees to play with him, which he happily accepted and jumped up, kissing her face. Lucky mutt.

"Hey honey. Who's this?" She smiled at Lena, who was still being licked alive by the dog.

"Mom this is Lena, Lena, this is my mom." She shook off the dog and greeted my mom politely. My mom was clearly impressed by her manners. I smiled to myself and accepted the dog jumping up on me and giving him a head scratch.

"Lena's mom said I can stay over tonight if I want. Do you mind?" I looked at her innocently. I knew she would be thrilled that I had a friend and would let me, but I wanted to ask anyway. As expected she grinned and offered us each a cookie, which we both accepted, and even the dog got one.

"Of course sweetie. Go get your stuff and take Roary out first though?" I smiled and agreed, rushing upstairs and pulling Lena with me.

She sat on my crappy single bed with the Pokemon covers and played with a loose bit of thread on her trousers.

"Your mom's nice, and so was that cookie." I laughed and threw random items of clothes and underwear at my bed."

"Nice underwear Yulia." Lena grinned and held up my pair of Pikatchu underwear. I grinned and blushed, but winked at her anyway.

"Thanks. I think she's cute." I smiled and tossed over a matching bra. Lena looked shocked.

"Pikatchu's a girl?!" I nodded and threw everything in my black and white checkered bag.

She looked curiously around my room, a small smile playing at her lips. I smiled to myself and sat on my bed infront of her, a little too close, but she didn't seem to notice. Though, I noticed that if I lent forward only a few inches, I could easily kiss her, but I didn't. She finally came back to earth and looked right at me.

"You ready? Come on get your dog and let's go." She smiled and got up. I threw pyjamas into the bag and my toothbrush on my way downstairs before swinging it over my back and grabbing Roary's leash.

"Roary! Come on walkies!" My dog came charging full speed down the hallway and dived up at me. If it wasn't for Lena standing behind me, I'd have fallen over, but her arms slid around my waist and she caught me still. I blushed and grinned, thanking her casually while attempting a non-nervous laughter. I clipped the leash to his collar and told mum I wouldn't be out long. Lena linked arms with me as we walked Roary down to the local park, that wasn't actually a park, but just a big field where everyone walked their dogs. My dog loved it there, all these new butts to sniff. I opened the gate and closed it securely behind us before letting him off his leash. He charged straight for the closest dog to sniff it's butt, before racing around after the rest of them. Lena dropped to the ground next to me and pulled me down with her.

"Aww he looks so happy." Her head fell casually on my shoulder and I smiled and pulled her closer to me. I didn't realise what I was doing until I'd already done it. She didn't seem to care.

I stayed like that with her for ages, until Roary had run himself down and came flopping over to us. I let him lay down and have a rest and a head scratch before re-clipping his leash, waking Lena up (yeah, she fell asleep on me. Aww), and took the dog home.
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