Malchik Gay

Chapter 6

Yulia, I can't." Lena protested, backed against a wall. I moved closer towards her and gave her my big eyes.

"Please Lena. Just this once? I wont laugh, or judge you in any way I promise." I placed my right hand over my heart and swore. She looked unsure, and kept looking down. My mind got excited that she was checking me out, but the more sensible part of me knew she was just avoiding my eyes. I wrapped my arms around her and rested my head on her shoulder. She laughed in a surrendering sort of way and wrapped her arms loosely around my neck. I smiled into the side of her neck and let out a sigh. I heard her gasp and tense up a little. I wrapped my arms around her waist and kissed the spot I just breathed on.

She moaned a little into my ear, and her grip around me tightened, pulling me closer into her. Finally

"Yulia! Wake up you lazy bitch." She laughed in my ear. I groaned and rolled over, looking up at her groggily. I cursed myself silently for letting myself dream about her.

"What time is it?" I asked her, sitting up on her bed and becoming nervously close to her again. She still didn't move.

"Eight PM. How can anyone fall asleep during a horror movie." She grinned and shook her head.

"Cause you've been tiring me out all day. Tennis, swimming, sweating my ass off in a sauna, a girl's exhausted." I smiled and dropped my head on her shoulder, whining. She laughed and hugged me before getting up to put another movie on. She froze while she waited for the movie to load, and looked back at me over her shoulder.

"You talk in your sleep." Shit. I tried to relax and look calm. I smiled.

"Why? What did I say?"

"You mentioned my name and then something about not laughing or judging me. What was it you wanted me to do?" I shrugged my shoulders and took a sip of the soda she'd brought us up a couple of hours ago.

"I have no idea. I don't really remember dreams." She nodded and pressed play, before coming to sit beside me. She snuggled up close to me under the covers and rested her head on my shoulder.

"You know your my first friend?" She looked up at me innocently. I don't think she meant it, but she looked it.

"I am?" I was curious as to why. She was beautiful, fun, lively and admirable.

"Yeah. I never had friends in my old schools, even my sports partners didn't like me." I hugged her and pulled her a little closer to me, she was almost on my lap.

"Well Lena, I'm not going anywhere, I'm a friend for life." She grinned and draped her arm over my waist in a hug, but didn't move it after wards.

"How come your never with any other of the girls at school? You always with me. I'm not that much fun."

"Yes you are. You amuse me. None of the other girls like me. Rumors started that I was a lesbian, and nobody liked me to begin with so your my social life, and I love you for it." Shit! It just occurred to me I'd told her I loved her, but I didn't say it in a relationship way, maybe she'd know it was meant as a friend thing.

"Are you?"
"Am I what?"
"A lesbian?"
"Okay." She laughed and pressed play on the clicker for the video. The television flashed into life and the movie started. I didn't know what it was, but it was her choice and I'd follow her to the ends of the earth and back if she'd asked me to.

She buried her head into the crook of my neck, just like I had done to her in my dream and sighed. I closed my eyes tightly and let out a silent, long breath to calm my racing heart down.

"You okay Lee?" I asked, leaning sidewards to look at her. She nodded into my neck and her hair fell over my neck and chest. I relaxed and glued my eyes to the screen, watching some strange boy running through a field of corn on his dads farm, to check out a scarecrow that was actually an ugly monster ready to kill him. How original.

"I don't like this bit." She mumbled. "It scares me."

I thought she was cute and awed her.

Once the movie was over, I quickly learned it was Jeepers Creepers 2, she decided we should go for a walk in our pajamas. Even though we were still fully dressed.

"So get changed. Come on Yulia, your not afraid of the dark are you?" She grinned playfully at me and pulled out knee length black shorts and a white tank top. Once again, she gave me the pleasure of changing in front of me. I sighed in defeat and followed suit, stripping to my underwear and pulling on my full length Pokemon pyjamas. She rolled her eyes at me with a smile and grabbed my hand. I smiled to myself and felt my heart flutter. It actually scared me at how she did this to me. Nobody else had given me butterflies before by only touching my skin.

I pulled on my shoes as did she and she silently opened her front door, letting me out first and closing it again after her, all without a sound. She kept us both silent until we were out of her street, before grinning with a slight giggle.

"I feel rebellious." She grinned at me.

"Have you never sneaked out before? So we're not supposed to be doing this? Wont they miss you?" She laughed at me and messed up my hair, making me grin.

"Nope. Nope and nope. I've never left the house without their permission, they don't check on me after dark, and I don't care what they think, though we'll have to climb up onto the garage to get back into my room." I nodded silently and let her lead me down the dark, cold streets. There were woods near her house, not full woods, but lots of dark scary trees, like a mini-woods. Bad things happened in there. There were three charges of rape said to have taken place in there, one death, and hundreds of drug dealing happenings. Naturally, we had to explore.

"Your really skinny you know." Lena suddenly told me. I nodded and looked at my skinny arms.

"I know. I eat quite a lot but I don't really gain weight but I'm not complaining. So are you anyway." I smiled at her and thought about how hot she looked, but how cold she must be in just shorts and a tank top.

"Not as skinny as you. Though, if I'm honest, I wouldn't want to be. You look kind of vulnerable, which is why I feel pretty protective of you." She looked away from me but in the light of the moon I could see she had gone a bit red.

"Don't. I'm a tough cookie." She smiled her prefect, adorable smile. I smiled back and linked arms with her. She shivered.

"Lena, this may be odd, but that's just me, swap shirts?" She looked at me oddly.


"Your shivering, and I'm not cold. Please? Just to warm yourself up." She agreed, under the circumstances that once she was warm we'd swap back. I took my top off like a boy by pulling it over my head while she did the same. I liked her bra, it had cherries on it. I pulled on her tank top while she got into my button up shirt with Pikatchu waving on it. I smiled at her and let her warm up before moving. The dark woods loomed ahead of us.

"Let's not go there. I don't want us to get hurt. I just got a friend and I don't want to lose you now." She whispered and pulled me away. We walked for ages after that, walking around the woods instead of through them. Until I copped for a swing set. I pulled Lena forward towards it and sat down on it. She sat on the swing beside me. The moonlight made her skin look paler and she seemed to glow in the darkness. I got off my swing and sat on the play sand in front of them. She lent her head on the chain that supported the swing and smiled down at me softly. I looked down briefly and sighed.

She lent forward towards me and rested her elbows on her knees, putting her chin in her soft hands. I continued to watch her. I felt myself falling, but did nothing to try and catch myself. I swore I wouldn't fall in love with her, but at the moment, I couldn't help it.
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