Malchik Gay

Chapter 7

Under the stars, we could sit in silence and just think. The late night meant there was nobody to stop and question us. We lay close together, just looking up . We were laid in opposite directions, but had our heads on each others shoulders. We made small talk, or confessed a secret or two. I didn't tell her how I felt, I would never tell her. She didn't need to know, so by the time we arrived back in her yard, we had silently declared each other best friends. We stared up at her garage, trying to determine how we were going to make it to the top. I smiled at her and suggested we take the same way as when we were escaping the girls at school. She laced her fingers together and pegged me up, while I clung to the edges of the garage and heaved myself up. Once up there, I made sure it was safe and walked carefully to her bedroom window, easing it open slowly and gently.

"Does it open?" She whispered up to me when I lay down on top of the garage, looking over the edge to her.

"Yeah, it'll be a bit of a squeeze, but we'll both make it through quite easily." She nodded and I reached down for her, taking her wrists and pulling her up. With the support from me, she walked up the wall and joined me on the roof. I fell back a little and she fell over me, giggling and pulling us both up. We both got through her window and closed it as quietly as possible. We fell back onto her bed in the dark. I felt her hand touching mine. Not in any way, it's just where it was, but the urge to grab hers was almost unbearable. I sat up and looked down at her, even though I couldn't see her, I knew where she was. I felt her sit up beside me.

"Bed time?" She asked, switching on a bedside lamp and noticing that the clock said it was after one AM. I felt the heat of the room and guessed the central heating must have come on while we were out. We were both a bit red faced. I nodded and fell back. She unbuttoned my shirt (that she was still wearing, unfortunately) and folded it on my bag. I watched her walking around in her bra. Her perfect form attracting me once again, before she climbed into the bed.

"I know it's warm. You can sleep in your bra too you know." I took off her vest quickly and scrambled under the sheets. I shivered and settled into the warm of the covers. I felt her bare skin against mine and felt the soft skin of my side tingling. I closed my eyes tightly in the dark, trying to think off what I felt for her. Even when I closed my eyes, I couldn't lock her out. It was wrong, but I blamed Carey for this. If she hadn't told me she was gay, I wouldn't have thought about it, and I wouldn't be laid here, having to keep myself silent so my shaky breath wouldn't give me away. She turned onto her side to face me, and in the moonlight she smiled up at me. So cute.

"I've enjoyed today and tonight. It's made a nice change from sitting at my computer with my music on every weekend." She absently played with my hand, tracing patterns into it with hers. Yes, it made my heart race,

"Me too." I smiled down at her in the dark and so badly wanted to kiss her. She lay her head on my shoulder and yawned, her hot breath going down my bra and making the sensitive skin tingle and gave me goosebumps.

I closed my eyes and talked myself into tiredness, listening to the quite snoring in the next room of her brother.

The rude awakening of the sun in my eyes wasn't a welcomed sight, but that was quickly erased by the almost topless Lena Katina laying beside me, her arm laid across my bare waist and over my hips. I inhaled deeply and savored the feeling of having her arm across me.

"Morning chick." She smiled, climbing out of bed and stretching. I greeted her back groggily and smiled to myself. She didn't seem to have realized the position we'd woken up in, and if she did, she didn't care much. She pulled a baggy button-up black and white checked shirt over her arms but left it open, and matched it up with loose baggy blue jeans. She looked so hot. I pushed back her covers and pulled on a tight black tee shirt with the black combats I wore yesterday, I had blue denim short shorts but wasn't taking any chances on the ice. After folding my pajamas back into my bag along with the rest of my things, I sat on the end of her bed with my legs either side of the little pouffe.

"Want me to do your hair?" I smiled at her and she sat between my legs. I ran the brush through her silky soft hair that, as messy as it was, didn't appear to have a single knot in it, while she pulled her knees up effortlessly to her chin and fastened the laces on her light blue converse. Once her hair was back to the fullness and perfection I loved about her, she passed me two hair ties and let me do with it as I wished. I pulled it back loosely with the brush and tied it into a loose pony tail before plaiting the rest so the plait started lower down. I admired my work and decided I preferred it down, but let it be. She smiled and lent back on me. My arms instinctively wrapped around her shoulders and hugged her briefly, but for the first time, I didn't worry about what she would think. I just focused on the butterflies I received at her touch.

"You ready?"

"Aside from brushing teeth and doing my hair yeah. Seriously Lena I've just crawled out of bed." She laughed at me and let me use her en suite. I brushed my teeth and combed my hair to perfection. Then I let her know I was ready. I thanked her parents just before she dragged me outside and led the way to the bus stop.

"It's kind of good we like a few of the same sports, it means there's more things we can occupy ourselves with at the weekend.

I can think of a few other things as well.

It took me about three minutes to realize that what I'd actually thought was really perverted. She's thirteen, the same age as me and she's as innocent as a little white kitten. Just because I have one of the biggest crushes on her doesn't mean she likes me back. That's a dream of mine.

The bus ride was almost silent, I didn't like talking on busses and it appeared she didn't either. Though, there were two older girls a few rows back that never shut up. I heard one of them call the other Hannah, but aside from their ramblings, that's all I heard. They looked like lesbians.

The ice ring was cold. And the skates were ugly and heavy. Thick black leather but with an excellent blade, for rentals. Lena and I seemed to be the only ones there who didn't fall. We watched other people skating and falling once they got too fast, but Lena and I were coping well as we were pretty experienced. I'd like to say something happened, something exciting to tell you all, but it didn't. She grabbed my hand at one point, but that's about it.

Towards the end, I saw a girl from Neposedy, and Lena did too.

"Oh shit." I heard her whisper under her breath. I raced to the exit, but it was too late.

"Oh my god! It's Volkova and that new girl!" We froze and glanced at each other from the corner of our eyes. She looked as worried as I felt.

"What are you doing here? Straight people only Volkova." It was Katrina.

"For the last time Katrina. I'm not a lesbian!"

"Right. So you weren't checking out that older girl in home room that time?"


"Yeah you were. So is the new girl your girlfriend? Is she a good kisser?" I was about to snap back but I felt a soft hand lace with mine. My heart stopped beating and the world seemed to stop spinning. It seemed like it was just me and her.

"So what if I am? Just because your not getting any from her." Lena smiled innocently and pulled me out of the skating ring. I kept looking back over my shoulder at them, still staring with looks of discust and disbelief.

"Why did you do that?" I asked her, as she let my hand drop. She sat down opposite me and looked at me carefully.

"Are you mad? I'm sorry if I get you into trouble. I didn't mean to but it shut them up didn't it?" I smiled and shushed her.

"No I'm not mad. I liked it, it was funny. It's just, you said you didn't take bullying so well, and that will get you a lot of bullying. You'll never get any other friends at Neposody."

"I don't want any other friends. I've seen the way they all treat you, and it's not right. I don't want to be a part of that. Your amazing. Your fun and pretty and talented and the girls who pick on you havn't got half of the talent you have." I blushed and smiled at her. She squeezed my hand and lifted my chin.

"Come on Yulia. Get your vans back on and we'll go for milkshakes." I high fived her for that and disposed of the heavy rentals. With the encouragement from the girls from Neposedy, she grabbed my hand and laced our fingers on the way out of the door. I had never been so greatful for those girls in my life. Her hands were a little cold from the ice, but it made her feel more real. This time, she didn't let go of my hand when we were out of their sight. She did losen her grip, but didn't let go, I wasn't going to force her was I?

The small cafe was warm and welcoming. The smell of milky coffee invited me in. Lena still hand hold of my hand, leading the way in and to a booth table at the back of the cafe. It was pretty hidden and there was a decent amount of privacy here.

We sat opposite each other in the booth, both with our arms folded and waited quitely for someone to serve us.

"Can I take your order?" Very original. I looked up at the waitress. She would have been highly attractive if it wasn't for Lena sitting beside where he was stood. Talk about no comparison. I smiled to myself. We both ordered a large chocolate milkshake to share, cause it was bigger than two seperate normal milkshakes and at a bargin price of $4.50

It looked delicious. Tall, whipped cream on top, and strawberry sauce poured over the top, The two pink bendy straws coming out of the top finished the masterpiece. We both glanced at each other, and headed straight for the toppings.

Sharing a milkshake with her made me nervous. If we both drank at the same time, our lips were only centimeters apart, yet, I knew I didn't have the guts to kiss her, no matter how badly I wanted to. It was something I would just have to live without.
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I KNOW some of the facts about Neposedy in this story aren't true, but it isn't based on facts and reality. It's fresh from my own, vivid imagination.
So comments please?