Malchik Gay

Chapter 9

"Yulia, think about it, please? We could be big, famous Pop stars and everyone will know our names!" I could tell she was really excited. Carey had hooked us up with a once in a life time opportunity to get a recording contract for both me and Lena, but it wouldn't begin for another two years, so we had till then to decide. I was sat on a stool in our wood works recreational class and she was crouched in front of me, looking up at me with those big, pleading blue green eyes. I bit my lip. I could see how badly she wanted this, her eyes were filling with tears at my hesitance.

"Lena, it sounds fun now, but what about the bad press? The people who don't like us?" She shrugged and crossed her arms over my lap.

"I don't care. Please Yulia? You know how much this would mean to me." I sighed and looked down at her.

"Okay. Go tell Carey that we accept." The look of gratitude and excitement on her face was priceless and I felt so much joy knowing that it was my decision that made her smile like that. Lena was about to open the door, when it opened for her, and Carey came in, looking for her anyway.

"She said yes! We'll do it Carey!" I'd never seen the young beauty smile so much. Carey hugged her briefly and smiled warmly over at me, which I returned and went over for a proper hug. I felt Lena stiffen behind me a little and her hand touched my arm.

"Lena, Mr. Cohen tells me you still have homework for him. Go get it done." She nodded and looked at Carey seriously and with a little suspicion in her eyes.

"Okay, but remember what we said." She made eye contact with me for a couple of seconds, before disappearing from the room. Nobody else did wood work in recreational time, because I did it, so they all went outside or to various music rooms instead.

"What was that all about?" I asked, abandoning my project and hopping up to sit on the table. Carey looked at me briefly, her dark hair falling loosely over one eye, making me smile. Her bright green eyes looked at me seriously, like she was observing me.

"Nothing, just something we discussed while you were getting your hair done." She began writing something down, but I rested my hand on her work, her eyes came back to mine, after traveling up my arm to get there. I gave her my best puppy dog look, which she responded to quite well. I saw her let her guard down.

"Don't look at me like that, you know what happened last time." I smiled a little to myself, remembering when she kissed me.

"Then tell me Carey please?" I whispered to her, shuffling a bit closer because I'd whispered. She bit her lip and looked away, I could feel her guard collapsing completely. I lifted her chin with one finger. She slowly leaned in and kissed me again. This time, I kissed back properly, letting my lips move in sync with hers. I knew this was illegal, I was thirteen, but I didn't care. There were no windows in this room and we'd hear the door long enough before it opened. Her hands rested on my waist, and mine stayed supporting me on the desk behind me. I felt her tongue brush my bottom lip, and that's when I knew to pull away.

She didn't look ashamed or scared this time. I think she knew it was my intention all along to get her where I want her and make her tell me.

"Tell me?" I asked her once more and this time, she did just that.

"Fine. Lena thinks I'm going to mess you up. She doesn't think your a lesbian, or bisexual or anything like that, but she's seen how I hug you when we sit on your piano and thinks your going to let it all go to your head and scare you or mess you about. That's not my intention Yulia. You know that. I've seen how you look at her too. The look on your face when you hold her, when she touches your wrist or hand or anything. I know you love her Yulia. Now, I think she may like you. She hasn't given away any hints or told me or anything, but she's really protective over you, it took me ages to convince her I wasn't trying to mess you about or hurt you. She said she always hugs you really tight because it feels like she's shielding you from everything, and it makes her feel proud of herself. Now, if she doesn't like you, then you have yourself one hell of a best friend. Don't lose her kid, cause you'll regret it if you do." I smiled to myself and I got butterflies when I heard somebody else tell me that I loved her. The crush I had for her never died down. It only grew with time. The night we were in the park, I really did fall for her.

"Don't tell her I've told you any of this though. I told her I wouldn't, and don't tell her I kissed you again either, cause she'll get me arrested or something." I smiled and nodded.

"It's not like we have anything going on, just a friendly thing." She smiled back and nodded, pulling me off the table and wrapping her arm around my shoulder, walking me back to home room. Lena looked up when she saw us, and gave Carey a look I'd never seen on her beautiful face before. A mixture of anger? Disappointment? Jealousy? I smiled at her and her expression softened immediately. I sat on the desk beside where she was writing and felt her lean on me, though her pen didn't leave the paper.

I looked down at her, she wasn't looking back up at me but I saw a smile on her face. I played with her hair and watched her write about the different notes in a new composition she had been studying. She sighed and moved her wrist around. She looked up at me and saw me watching. I draped my arm over her shoulder and wrote the rest of her sentence for her. I'd already handed my essay in and had done quite well with it. She smiled up at me and thanked me. She folded it over and gave up on it for the time being. Her arm lay across the table right behind me, I could feel it behind me, but I didn't move, and she continued to lean on me while the rest of homeroom filed in. They still shouted at us and abused us, but we didn't care. A lot of the time, we found it funny.

"I have no idea how I'm going to tell my dad about Taty." Lena muttered to herself more than me. I looked at her curiously.

"Taty?" I shook my shoulder a bit to get her attention.

"Yeah, it can translate into Tatu. I was thinking about names for the duet. We don't have to call it that if you don't want." She blushed and looked away, suddenly thinking her idea was stupid.

"No! I like it. I can see it on CD covers. We can always jazz the name up on paper with mixed letter cases and colors and styles." She grinned and looked excited again. She talked about it right through registration and all the way to the singing studio. I jumped up on my piano and she lent against my legs while we waited for Carey. Her huge blue eyes looked up at me in innocent excitement.

"You do know though, that if we actually made it big, we'd be the content of so many fan fictions about us having sex?" I thought it would put her off a little bit, but she broke into fits of giggles.

"Excellent! That would be hilarious to read up on." I rolled my eyes at her and grinned. I laughed inwardly at the thought of her behind a desk, in fits of laughter over detailed sex scenes staring us two. She was still leaning on my legs when Carey walked in, and she just raised her eye brows at me. Lena didn't even turn to look at her, though I felt her tense up and her laughter and smile died off. I think there was something Carey wasn't telling me about their 'little chat'.

We both took our position behind our microphones and Carey started on the piano. Our lyrics and music sheets were already in front of us. We both glanced at each other and grinned when we suddenly recognized the music. Carey was grinning to herself and Jitterbug started up. So like Carey to make us sing these songs. She said it was to challenge our vocal chords, but we knew she was just a loser who liked making us laugh.

She stopped us halfway through the song, because we'd gotten carried away and started dancing to it and she was laughing at us.

"Alright alright girls. Let's try something a bit different. It should be the third or fourth sheet back. I want you in perfect harmony so one mistake and we start all over again until you get it right okay?" She both nodded and pulled out the next song.

"Dancing bears,
painted wings,
things I almost, remember,
and a song,
someone sings,
once upon a December." Before the chorus started, Carey added a bit more music. Me and Lena kept glancing at each other, or playing rock stars with the microphone stands. We both silently agreed that we were practicing for Tatu. When the song finished, we laced hands and dramatically bowed. Carey laughed at us and played a classical show tune. We all shared grins, because we were happy like that, and simultaneously hopped up onto various pianos.

"That went great girls. I'm really proud of you both. So you better both do well with this recording contract, because it's costing me an absolute fortune. I'm just glad Neposedy can fund these things." We both thanked her gratefully. Lena was a little stiff around her. It worried me because I didn't know what had gone on.

"Right girls you better get a move on cause I have a date tonight." We grabbed our bags and headed out the door, but she called me back.

"Yulia, can I have a word with you a minute. In private. Lena she'll see you down stairs." Lena glared at Carey and hesitated. She looked over at me with a blank expression before heading out, and slamming the door behind her. We both jumped.

"Why's she mad at you? What did you do?" Carey shrugged.

"That's why I think she likes you, cause she's been like this since she walked in on us on the piano."

"But Carey, we weren't doing anything." I told her confused.

"I know we weren't, and you know too, but to her, it looks like we were." I nodded slowly and let the idea that she might actually like me sink in. I felt the butterflies in my belly.

"Want me to go? If you have a date?" I asked her, but she just laughed and this confused me. She shook her head at me and came closer.

"You don't get it do you? I ment you. Your so pretty." She played with my hair and drew me closer. I smirked at her and let her lean in. Just before she kissed me, I lent back a little, and kept doing so until she'd crawled on top of me on her hands and knees. I was layed back on the desk, leaning up on my elbows, while she hovered over me on all fours with her lips against mine. I felt her tongue again like before, but this time I didn't stop it, I opened my mouth slightly and let her tongue slide past. It actually felt really good and I moaned into her mouth. I heard her gasp as I glided my tongue with hers. Her hand moved to the side of my neck and her hips dropped into mine. It only made me moan again. I felt her smirk against my lips before she pulled away, dropping down quick, soft kisses on my lips before she held me close to her. I let her hug me and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Was I your first kiss?" She asked me, letting go and sitting beside me. I nodded with a small smile and she looked down with guilt.

"I'm so sorry Yulia. What we just did, the kisses before that. It's all illegal." I nodded with a smile.

"I know, but it's not like I'm going to complain or press charges is it? I like it. It's not a relationship, more like a friend with benefits. Clean ones." She laughed at me and messed up my hair.

"Go catch her up. She'll be missing you." I grinned and pecked her cheek, before grabbing my back and dissapearing out the door and down the stairwell. I heard her before I saw her, and when I did it made me feel awful. I got a twisting knot in my stomach, I felt like I was going to throw up. The boy she was talking to was the only boy ever seen around the girls part of Neposedy. It was the boy who did litter patrol after break and lunch. He was using his arm to lean against the wall, with Lena right infront of him, flirting away. He wrote something down on a scrap of paper and handed it to her, before kissing her cheek and walking off. She watched him go, before tossing the paper in the trash. I swung through the bars on the staircase and jumped down. Lena jumped and mile and glared at me for scaring her. Or at least, I think that's why she glared at me.

"Nice is he?" I said, I didn't laugh or scowl or anything. I just looked at her blankly. She shrugged and led us out to her bus stop. I was walking home, but I liked waiting for her bus with her.

"Why do you hate Carey?" I asked her. She looked at me sideways before sighing and shaking her head.

"I don't know. Well I don't hate her, she's cool. I just hate how she is with you. It's pretty obvious she's a lesbian, but your not and she's going to mess you up if she tries to kiss you or anything." I got butterflies and a twinge of guilt because less than ten minutes ago, I was doing exactly that, kissing Carey.

"She wouldn't mess me up. She's been there for me since I started Neposedy. Don't worry Lena, she'll never hurt me." She sighed and turned to face me fully.

"Yulia, your totally different now. Your thirteen, a teenager, you've just had your hair done and it makes you look bloody gorgeous, and you've just been given a lump sum in an acting career. You're a bloody magnet. It's pretty likely she wants you and she'll probably use her authority to get you." I had to smile, I couldn't keep it off my lips. Mainly cause she just called me gorgeous, but also cause he mini rant had amused me.

"Don't worry. I'm a big girl now Lena, I can take care of myself, and dear, your gorgeous too." She rolled her eyes and the bus pulled up.

"Not really." She grinned and hugged me quickly before jumping on the bus, and dissapearing around the corner, leaving me with my thoughts while I walked home. I wished she knew she was playing with my head more than Carey was.
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