
The Change

I didn't know if I wanted to open my eyes. I had the feeling that someone was watching me, and heard wimpers mixed with exhaled breaths.
" Jase..." I heard my name more than once. I sat up quickly and opened my eyes. I looked around and saw my dark room. The same alarm clock, same pictures, same dimly lit fish tank, and same unmoved surfing trophys.
I sighed with relief and layed back down. It seemed to have gotten warmer and I'd already kicked the sheets down off my bed. It's just a dream, nothing to worry over, I thought to myself. I relaxed again and drifted off to sleep, feeling weightless and content.
The next morning I fell closer to consciousness, and took in the first noticable salty breath. I walked to the bathroom and opened the container to my contacts, put the solution on, and-
" Jase!" I dropped my contact.
" Crap", I mumbled under my breath. I turned and nearly growled at the sight of my sister. How could someone be so enthusiastic in the morning, and not feel guilty about my loss? I raised my eyebows.
" We're going to to boarding school!" said Brooke. She was obviously over joyed by the news, me on the other hand, I was questionable.
" Um... what?" I couldn't fully grasp the concept, after all I'd just woke up.
" Isn't it exciting? We're going to be on our own!"
I walked out of my room completely ignoring her. What was I going to tell my friends? How long was I going to be away? The summer had just ended and school was the last thing on my mind.
" Mom! " I yelled. But she didn't answer. I stumbled outside feeling my weight catch on as I started to feel fully awake. She was crouched down low with an untamed, pink, floppy sun hat on, with gnarled gloves. She had a thing for planting, but only God knows why.
" G'morning Jase," she said with a smile.
" Morning Mom. Um... are we going to boarding school?" She stood up and a flash of guilt shot across her face.
" Well, let's not get worked up about this, I didn't have much of a choice." A weird tingle in my stomach took over as she continued.
"Your father won't be back to work for a while, the hospital called and said there wasn't a donor offering right away." Her voice was quiet with a hint of tremor. I bit my lip and nodded, there wasn't much to argue about.
The grass was lushiously green, the sprinklers had just turned on making it look almost plastic. The sprinklers were great, at times, except they're a hand full when you're trying to sneak out. I shifted my eyes over to my black, chevy truck. I was proud of that truck, and guarding it with my life, because I've finally got it up and running again.
I walked back inside feeling like the sun was still beating down on me. I changed into some shorts, and threw on a t- shirt. I pulled my spare contacts out and put those in, but it took a while sense I was still getting use to them. I brushed my teeth, grabbed my keys, and walked out to the truck. It was my last day at home so why not make the best of it?
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Longer chapter