Status: Writing in progress =D

Bubblewrap My Heart

  1. How They Met
    The title says it all [=
  2. A million miles away
    Laura finds out that Tom is going away. Erm... that's about it.
  3. The kiss
    Laura wakes up Tom up when she rings him to ask if he wants to meet up for coffee. And she may just get those kisses she's owed.
  4. Moving away
    While Tom is away, Laura has to go back to Jarrow because of a family emergency.
  5. Why are we here?
    Laura and Carrie find out why they've gone back to Jarrow. And they might be staying there a while
  6. Close Call
    What happened to Laura?
  7. New girl
    Tom meets a girl on holiday. Are Laura and Tom going out?
  8. Going home