‹ Prequel: Prove It

I Guess I Just Don't Get It

Eight. Scum Of The Earth

Thankfully we had the next morning off, so I spent it sleeping in, and trying to convince the guys to do yoga with me.
"Camry. Yoga is boring, and it doesn't do anything! It’s a waste of time," Carles was saying. "There's not point. Why do you need us anyway?"
"It creates a better atmosphere," I replied matter-of-factly. "Besides, when have you done yoga?"
His lack of a reply was all the answer I needed. "Come on guys, give yoga this one chance, and if ya'll hate it, that'll be the end of it."
The reluctantly agreed and I happily led them off to the deserted pool, after asking one of the front desk attendants about yoga mats or thick towels we could use, and they found us some.
For the next hour I led them through various poses, not bothering with the cheesy aspects of it, knowing I would never hear the end of it. I ended with a kind of warrior pose before doing our final stretches, and knew better than to ask about what they really thought about it. "That wasn't so bad, was it, guys?"
There were various mumbles about it being a wasted hour and such, but overall, better than I expected. They're not very good at expanding their horizons all the time. Or ever, really.
Before our afternoon practice we watched Nigeria and Greece play, then Argentina and South Korea, and headed to the training fields, where we had a light practice. We spent the last half hour messing around. Sergio and Fernando were making everyone laugh by making fun of some saves Iker had during the more serious part of practice., but we all composed ourselves by the time del Bosque returned. I immediately flicked up a ball and began juggling and doing all the fancy tricks I knew, just to reassure myself I still could, while others took shots, and still others played some one-on-one.
The ball was snatched out of the air by Sergio, who smiled and challenged me to a one-on-one match. "You're on," I accepted. "First to three."
Ten minutes later, we were tied at two, and I had the ball. I did a scissor cut and got around him, but felt myself being picked up, and realized Sergio had picked me up and was placing me behind him, before he turned around again and passed the ball in the net.
"What?! You cheat!" I playfully shoved him out of the way and got the ball out of the net. "Rematch!"
He shook his head as the rest of the team laughed. "Not how it works. I won. 'First to three'," he smirked.
I furrowed my eyebrows. "See if I ever play with you again!" I started walking away, as practice had been declared over.
Everyone laughed, including Sergio, though he ran to get in front of me and put on a mock pouty face. "Aw, please forgive me?"
I shook my head.
"Give it up, Sergio, she hates you now," Carles laughed, catching up with us, as well as most of the rest of the team.
I nodded.
"Is that all you're gonna do now? Shake or nod your head?" Sergio asked.
I only nodded again, smiling in satisfaction, before giving in and kissing him as he continued to sport a sad face, and jumping on his back for a piggyback to the bus. "We should go somewhere nice for dinner tonight!"
"What? What brought that on?" Fernando asked.
"I'm tired of feeling all grody and hideous all the time! Let's go! You know you want too," I glanced between all the guys and knew they were going to agree, which they did after deciding my reasoning didn't matter.

So, around 6.30 I started getting ready, changing into a one-shoulder dress, with black ankle boots, stud earrings, and a charm bracelet. I was ready an hour later, emerging from the bathroom to see Sergio, Maya, Fernando, and Iker sprawled out all over the room, watching television in their various nice clothes. Sergio was wearing a nice button up with dress pants, but to my dismay, with Converse.
"Sergio, you can't wear Converse with dress pants!" I sighed. His head snapped from the television and grew larger as he saw what I was wearing. I smirked. "Did you hear me?"
He only smiled and nodded before kissing my cheek as he passed, headed to his room to find suitable shoes. "Though I don't know if I'll be able to find the correct shoes. I might get lost."
I rolled my eyes but smiled and followed him anyway, knowing he wanted me to go with him. "How could he get lost?" I heard someone ask back in our room, followed by a smack. I laughed and took Sergio's hand, following him silently down the hall to his room. He unlocked the door and held it open for me before following me inside. I felt him grip my arm and pull me into him as soon as he closed the door. Before I could register anything I felt his lips on mine, and smiled into the kiss. After a few minutes he had started tangling his hand in my hair, and I stopped him. "Sergio, I just got all nice and pretty so we could go out. You can't mess my hair up before we leave. As much as I would love for you to," I smiled.
"But we don't have to go get dinner, you know," he whispered.
"Well, it was my idea, so I think we do. Sorry," I smiled and dropped his shoes on his bed, I had found them on top of his suitcase. The sly bastard. I kissed him again before spinning on my heel and heading back toward mine and Maya's room.
"So you actually came back?" Fernando asked, smiling.
"Ha ha. Of course we did, I knew you guys would miss me too much," I sat gingerly on the foot of the bed, not wanting to mess up my dress. "Is everyone else ready?"
Maya shrugged. "Sarah said she could get us reservations somewhere for eight, and we would meet downstairs at seven thirty. Which was about ten minutes ago. So we should probably head down." Sarah is one of the team coordinators, but I hadn't really gotten to talk to her much.
"Probably," we all agreed and appeared downstairs moments later, to find only half the team was down there so we stood and talked while we waited. Within ten minutes I heard the 'ding' of the elevator and looked to see who it was, and upon seeing their face, my grip on Sergio's hand tightened. He realized it and looked to see what I was looking at, then lightly pushed me slightly behind him.
"What do you want, Ronaldo?" He asked.
Cristiano rolled his eyes. "Go brush your hair. I want to talk to Camry."
I stepped out from behind Sergio and crossed my arms, and he put his arm around my waist. "Anything you can say to me by myself, you can say in front of my team."
By now the rest of the guy had quieted down, realizing what was going on.
"Camry, don't be difficult-"
"Difficult? You think I'm being difficult? After all the shit you did, you don't think I have the right to be?"
"What are you talking about? I did nothing to you!" He argued.
"Oh, shut up! You fucking cheated on me! You call that nothing?"
"If you're talking about my son, that whole thing was just a one night thing, it didn't mean anything!" He was starting to get louder and louder.
This infuriated me more than anything. "How can you say that? You have a child Cristiano! You're supposed to be a good father and love your children! You're the type of man every woman looks down on, you're the scum of the Earth! If neither she nor your son mean anything to you, then how do I meant something to you?" I finished quietly, staring him in the eyes, watching my words sink in to him. "Don't talk to me again, Cristiano."
He gave Sergio a last, passing glare as he left, then everyone turned to me.
"That was awesome!" Carles high fived me, and everyone agreed, though I wasn't sure what I was supposed to be feeling. Happiness at having finally let go of my anger at Cristiano, or sadness that it really was over, despite what he did.
I awoke from my daze when the rest of the team finally arrived, it seemed as though we had been waiting for hours, not only a few minutes. I didn't say much as I walked with Sergio, Fernando, and Iker to the car. We had decided cars would be much more inconspicuous than a huge bus.
I was mostly quiet the rest of the night, only joining in the conversation occasionally. When we got back I didn't want to go to sleep, so I asked Sergio if he wanted to watch a movie with me. He agreed and after I had changed into pajamas I went to his room after telling Maya where I would be. Fernando had gone off somewhere so Sergio and I had the room to ourselves as we found some mindless comedy on regular television. We watched in silence for a while until I heard Sergio whisper something, but I couldn't catch it. I lifted my head and looked at him.
"I love you."
I only blinked at him before smiling widely. "I love you too."
And within seconds, suitcases and soccer bags weren't the only things on the floor.
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comment pleasseee! i love them! :) And I want to know what you guys think!