Far and Away


I met Wolf outside the door, grabbing my stuff from him. He smiled at me, but I could see that he knew I wasn’t okay. I knew he felt bad about the whole thing.

“Don’t beat yourself up Wolf. Don’t apologize.”

“I wasn’t going to.”

I gave him a look that said, “yes you were and you know it,” but he didn’t answer. We walked to second hour math, the class I dreaded the most.


I walked out of the class and groaned. I hated math; it had never been my strong subject. I waved goodbye to Wolf and headed to Spanish. I sighed. Today was going to be a long day. I walked into the classroom and grimaced. Vince was in my class, and he happened to sit in the desk next to mine. I made my way over and sat down quietly. I saw look at me out of the corner of my eye. I must’ve looked a mess.

“Hey Stella. Are you okay?” he asked. I sighed inwardly. He was so sweet.

“Hey Vince. Yeah, I’m okay. Just had a rough morning I guess,” I replied, trying to keep the tiredness out of my voice.

“Oh. Well I’m sorry to hear that. Hey, I was wondering if you were doing anything this weekend?” he asked. I froze.

“Uhh. No?” I said, feeling stupid.

“Cool. Do you want to hang out? Go to a movie or something with me?” he asked. I could tell he was nervous because he was looking at his hands. I smiled.

“Sure. I would love to.”

His head snapped up so fast, I was sure he would give himself whiplash. He looked surprised.

“Really? I mean, awesome! I’ll call you later so we can get the details straightened out.”

I laughed a little.

“Alright. Sounds good to me,” I said, turning to face the teacher.


I walked out of Spanish feeling slightly better. Vince and I had a date, and I was feeling pretty good about myself. Wolf walked up at that moment.

“I see you’re feeling better,” he said, eyeing me.

“Yep!” was all I replied. He kept looking at me, a wary look in his eyes.

“What? Can’t a girl be happy?” I asked, looking at him. He shook his head.

“I don’t get you sometimes. Something good must’ve happened..” he trailed off, trying to figure it out. He stopped walking suddenly.

“Vince asked you out.”

I smiled, unable to contain some of my happiness.

“I can’t believe you.”

“What?” I turned to look at him, thinking he was mad at me. Instead, he was smiling.

“You’re a silly little girl you know that?”

“Hey!” I said indignantly, “I am not little!” I gave him the eye, but I knew he knew I was kidding. We continued walking, heading for the quad for lunch. I sat down on the grass and leaned against a tree, my eyes closing in the process. It was a beautiful day out, and I wanted to enjoy the fresh air while I could.


The final bell rang. I grabbed my stuff and practically ran to my car, eager to be home. I only stayed at school as long as I needed to, and today, I didn’t need to be there late. I grabbed my keys out of my bag, and jumped in my car, starting the engine. I pulled out of the lot and headed home. I pulled in my driveway and made my way inside. The house was quiet as both of my parents were at work. I grabbed a snack and headed slowly upstairs to do my homework. I pulled out my stuff and began to work.

When I glanced at the clock again, it said 5:00p.m. I had been working for three hours straight. I decided to take a break and head downstairs. I arrived at the bottom of the steps to hear my parents in a deep discussion. I inched closer, not wanting to alert them to my presence.

“I don’t know how she would react to it dear. I mean, she is a senior after all. Why don’t we just wait till the summer? Then, her senior year would be over and she wouldn’t have to transfer schools or anything.”

That was my mom. Transfer schools? We were moving? Oh hell no. There was no way I was going to let my parents drag me to some Godforsaken place in some sleepy little town. I entered the kitchen.

“I refuse. I will not move while I’m still in school. After I graduate, you can do whatever you want, but I am not moving in the middle of my senior year,” I announced, hoping my point was made. My parents looked up at me. I could tell in their faces a decision had already been made.
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Sorry they're kinda short right now.
Hopefully, they'll get longer as the story goes on.

Leave me some love. ((: