Far and Away


I woke up the next morning, my eyes sore. I rolled out of bed and wandered into my bathroom, ready for a shower. I trudged across my room, not really caring about anything. We were moving, and that was the only thought to occupy my mind. I sighed as I turned the water on. How could my father do this to me? I hopped in the shower, and tried to wake up and get in a better mood.

I walked out of my bathroom feeling refreshed, but still upset. I just couldn’t get the thought out of my head. Grabbing a pair of jeans and a tye-dye t-shirt, I dressed quickly, put on my makeup and headed downstairs. I pulled a granola bar out of the pantry and was out the door. I wanted to avoid my parents at all costs today. I drove slowly to school, seeing as I was early. I parked in the lot, but didn’t get out. I didn’t see a point to it. I didn’t see a point to anything anymore. Leaning my chair back, I closed my eyes.


A tap on my window startled me awake. My heart was racing as I looked around, disoriented. I glanced out the window and saw it was just Wolf. I opened my door and got out.

“Way to give me a heart attack Wolf!” I said, slamming my door shut. He smiled at me.

“Sorry Stell. So why are you here so early? Stella Noye Lee never arrives to school early.”

I glared at him for using my full name.

“Well Wolf Lawrence Riley, I don’t want to be at my house, ever again.”

I sighed, last night’s events flooding through my brain. I cringed at the thought, and tried to push those memories away. Wolf noticed.

“Wha-?” he trailed off, uncertain of what to say. I took a deep breath.

“Wolf. I’m moving.”

I watched his face for the impact my words would have. An array of emotions played across it. Shock, surprise, disbelief. A sudden smile spread across his face.

“You’re lying. Don’t mess with me like that Stella,” he said. I shook my head somewhat angrily. I wasn’t in any sort of joking mood this morning.

“No Wolf. I’m not kidding. I really am moving. Why would I joke about something like that?” I asked, anger bubbling to the surface. I couldn’t stand when he didn’t take me seriously. It was a pet peeve of mine.

He looked into my eyes, and I looked straight back into his. His expression became sober, and I knew he got the point.

“Oh my gosh,” was all he said. He hugged me, but I pulled away. I wanted to be alone.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, hurt in his voice. I never pulled away from a hug.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, disbelief coloring my voice. I was moving in a few weeks and he was hurt that I didn’t want to hug him?

“What’s wrong?” I repeated again, “I’ll tell you what’s wrong Wolf! I’m moving in a matter of weeks, and you’re hurt that I didn’t want to hug you? Obviously there’s nothing wrong Riley!” I yelled, my anger at the situation exploding. I stormed away from him, eager to isolate myself from any human interaction. I heard his footsteps on the pavement behind me. I tried to pick up my pace, but he came up next to me.

“Stella, wait. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Please don’t be like this. I know you’re upset but pushing your friends away won’t help.”

I stopped and stared at him.

“Don’t even act like you know how this feels. Moving away is hard, but in the middle of my senior year when everything is already established for me is torture. Just don’t, Wolf.”

I turned around and walked away, again, unable to speak for the anger threatening to spill. I stormed into the building, steam practically coming from my ears. All the underclassmen scurried out of my path, trying to avoid getting run over.

I stalked into the classroom, dropping my books to the floor. I fell into my seat, my head sinking into my hands. A few tears leaked out, but I wiped them away. I didn’t want a repeat of yesterday.

I was in a strange house, but somehow, it was familiar to me. I walked down the hall, focusing on the door that was cracked open at the end of the hallway, light spilling out onto the floor in front. I stopped in front of the door, unsure if I wanted to proceed or not. Taking a deep breath, I grabbed the handle and opened the door, the light getting blindingly bright. I blinked my eyes vigorously, my vision slowly clearing. In the center of the room, a bedroom, a boy sat on his bed, his back to me. A small gasp escaped me, the boy turning to face me.


He looked into my eyes, that beautiful smile breaking out, making his face light up. He stood up and made his way toward me.


He stopped in front of me and embraced me in a hug. A few tears fell onto his shoulder.

I woke abruptly, a few tear drops sparkling on my desk. I brushed them away, and wiped my eyes as well. Glancing at the clock, I realized I had slept through most of my class. Luckily for me, I sat in the back of the room. I gathered my stuff and headed out the door, the dream still vivid in my mind.
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Yay. (: an update.

too bad she's in such a horrible mood.
that dream was weird wasn't it?
What's going to happen?

leave me some love. ((: