Status: Just imagine Gabe as an actual pimp. (:

Hot Mess

the pimp and the bartender

Gabe walked down the street smirking. It was late at night which mean the pimp was on the prowl. He saw many girls but none looked appealing to him until he saw a real beauty. She had brown hair, green eyes, and fair skin. She was the bartender and that means that she wasn't going to be easy but what Gabe didn't know is that she's also a human being with a cold and dark heart. He walked up to the bar and tried his charming smile which didn't seem to phase her at all.

“What can I get you?” she asks. She has a British accent. Gabe smirks. Gabe likes it.

“Your number? Your address? Or all of the above?” he asked.

“How about you order a drink or move the fuck along”she says in a sweet tone.

“Fine, vodka. Straight up” he said. After a few moment of silence he tried again.

“So, I've been wondering something” he said. She sighed.

“And what's that?” she asked.

“How plump are you breasts? They look so soft and big and round” he said.

“Don't make me call security” she says

“I can't help it, you're just so damn hot.” he said.

“Flattery is getting you no where except the hell out of my fathers bar” she says.

“Aw, is daddy around? If not, I could be your new daddy...” he said.

“Fuck you, you fucking cunt face. I can't believe guys like you. You're all lying pigs who are selfish and you're only fucking thinking with your dick instead of your actual brains.” she snapped.

“Calm down...I didn't know that was a low blow” he muttered.

“Of course not. You're horny and want one thing. Well here's a news flash, I'm not a whore and you aren't getting it from me” she says.

“I can't even pay you?” he asked.

“No. The only thing that tricked me into sex was once love but now that doesn't exist” she says.

“Love exists, you just choose to ignore it” he said. He was becoming less of a pimp at the moment. He thought he would show sympathy, get drunk, then go fuck a random whore.

“Why do you sleep around then?” she asks.

“It's fun” he said.

“No it's really not. Sex isn't fun and it never was.” she says while she washes out a mug.

“It can be if it's with the right person and I don't have anything. Went to the doctor just yesterday. Cross my heart, hope to die. I'm done trying though” he said.

“I knew you'd give up if I kept refusing. Just be a person for a while” she says. He sighed.

“Can I get another vodka?” he asked.

“Sure” she says.

“So, where is your dad? If you don't mind me asking” he said

“He died when I was 6 and mom ran away. Orphan in the middle of Liverpool. No one, nothing. Met a boy when I was 18. Thought I could have trusted him. I fell in love. I fucked him and he left me 'cause I wasn't good enough in bed” she says.

“I'm not trying to flirt, don't think I am, but you're really hot and you're probably an animal in bed” he said downing the vodka.

“Take it easy on the juices there.” she says.

“Eh, I'll get drunk. Probably go home, throw up the next morning....try to figure out why I'm who I am” he says.

“Give up sex then” she says.

“That's kinda hard” he says.

“You're not addicted...are you?” she asks

“No. I'm not. It's just all I've mom was a whore and my dad was a drug dealer” he said.

“Don't be like them. Be your, yourself. Find yourself if you don't know who you are” she says.

“ we ditch this place? Go outside for a while?” he asked.

“I don't know...” she says.

“I won't do anything. Pimps honer” he said holding up his hand and folded his fingers in like 'scouts honer'. She laughed a little.

“Alright. Let me close up. It is just the two of us” she says. After she closed up tight they went on a walk. After talking about each others personal lives they both started to realize that they started to fall for each other. She wasn't going to let herself though. After they said goodbye that night they couldn't stop thinking about each other which bothered her. She remembered that she gave him her phone number but she didn't get a call.

“Once a pimp, always a heart breaker” she sighed then her phone rang.

“Hello?” she asked. She didn't know the number.

“Gabby?” Gabe asked.

“Yeah, it's me.” she said.

“Can I meet you at the park?” he asked.

“Sure” she said. Then she hung up and put her converses on. They were bright orange. That was her favorite color. She walked to the park and sat down on the swing. She closed her eye and started to swing. She felt someone stop the swing. She opened her eyes ready to bitch someone out when she saw Gabe.

“Hey” she says.

“Hi.” he said back.

“Why did you want to meet me here?” she asked.

“Because. I can't stop thinking about you and ever since we met I haven't been able to fuck anyone. At all. I can't be a pimp anymore and it's hard. I'm confused. You've got me blurry. I don't even go out anymore...I don't know what you did to me but I like it. I don't feel as disgusting. As dirty as before.” he said. She smiled.

“I don't know what you did to me but I'm a mess. I can't stop thinking about you neither and when I do my heart pounds. I don't know what this feeling is but I like it.” she said.

“That's love” he said.

“That's not true. It can't be. I'm not supposed to fall in love” she said.

“Maybe you are. I used to think like you and it got me into a really shitty place.” he said. It was silent between the two of them but not an awkward silence. Just a silence. She looked up at him and he looked at her. She stood up and sighed.

“I should go” she said.

“Please don't?” he asked.

“Why?” she asked.

“Because you're a hot mess and I could probably fix that” he said right before he kissed her. For a moment she was shocked but then she kissed him back and closed her eyes as she wrapped her arms around his neck. He wrapped his around her waist and they just kissed for God knows how long. After they broke for air they both smiled.

“Is this really what love feel's like?” she asked

“Yes. It's kind of that warm fuzzy feeling inside that makes you do anything for someone no matter what. Even if it's going to kill you, you would do it because you love that person” he said. She smiled. They moved in with each other and everything was fine until Gabby found a thong under Gabe's pillow.

“Gabriel!” she yelled.

“What did I do now?” he asked standing up to his fiance walking into the room.

“Who's thong is this?” she asked.

“It's yours.” he said.

“I don't own any thongs” she said

“I bought you one for later tonight and I ended up throwing it under my pillow because you came home from the store a bit too early. It still has the tag on it and it's not worn yet. Look” he said. She did and sighed before dropping the thong and sitting on the couch. She put her head in her hands and cried.

“Baby...” he said sitting next to her.

“I thought...because you were...and my last boyfriend in my bed....with a whore...” she choked out. He hugged her.

“I love you and only you. You're the one I want, not some skimpy little slut whore who just wants to suck my dick so she can get paid.” he said. She hugged him back and sighed.

“I trust you and I love you to but if you betray me I swear to god, you won't have anything to suck” she said. He laughed then. He couldn't help but just laugh.

“Don't laugh at me...” she muttered.

“I'm sorry but that was just cute” he said

“You don't think I could rip your dick off?” she asked.

“No. Honey, I don't” he said

“You're a bitch Gabe” she said. He laughed again.

“I love you” he said

“I love you too” she said
♠ ♠ ♠
It sucks. I know. Thanks for reading.