
The First Taste

"What did you have in mind, Ed?" I asked when we got in his car.

"The Hull?" he suggested.

"Sure," I smiled. The Hull is a little strip of island sticking out into the Boston Harbor about an hour away from Sharon.


Ed and I talked of almost everything in the car ride and finally we were there. "Well here we are," he announced as we got out and gazed into the Atlantic Ocean.

"It's so open," I said absently. Only in Massechusetts would the sun be setting at 4:00.

"Come on, let's sit," Ed said.

"We've been sitting for an hour," I complained.

"Psh. Get over it and sit your butt down next to me." I acted stubborn for a second then gave up at his puppy dog eyes and sat down. He put his arm behind me and we could have sat there for hours just watching the waves cave in on the cement wall.

"It's so peaceful," I said then looked at Ed. He looked back and his eyes were glowing with the orange-pink sunset behind him. He came in close and hung there for a second then I came in the rest of the way for the kill. Our lips were always in motion. There was never a moment where they were still. When we pulled apart he pecked me a few more times and I smiled and thought to myself that the slum I am was falling for the God he is.

"What?" he laughed. Damn him for being so noticable.

"Nothing," I smiled to him now. "Irony; hypocricy."

"Really?" I rested my head against his shoulder. "You want to um...go to my house?" he asked catiously. His house? Sure!

"If you really want me there..."

"I do." He pulled me up an we got back in the car. The trip back was delightful. I looked forward to stopping because when we did, he would turn to me and we'd kiss for about 3 seconds then he'd turn his attention back to the road. And then, we were there.

"Ed, this is your house?" I stared in awe at the size of his (house wouldn't be the correct word) mansion. His arms went through the holes between my arms and myself and he twined his fingers through mine and kissed my neck.

"Mhm." We started walking to the door like that, but between where we started and the door, I had turned around. We continued kissing even as he fumbled to get his keys in the lock and when he did, we stopped. "Mom? Dad?" he called. He waited. "I don't think they're here." Oh God. The empty feeling in the pit of my stomach. Would I be ready for whatever happens tonight? Jesus, Jess. Don't be a dork. "Wanna watch a movie?" he asked.

"Sure. But I have to go to the bathroom."

"You do that. I'll start the movie." I found the bathroom and I couldn't believe what had happened today. I had probably gotten suspended or something from yelling at Mrs. Rein and gotten a phone call home and am probably going to get beat. But oh my God! I kissed Ed! Several times! He was so incredibly hot! I walked out of the bathroom and Ed was there, of course, waiting for me immediately attaching his lips to mine and picking me up and carrying me to the couch where the movie was starting. We had stopped but we were sitting very close together.


"Yes Jessica," he responded.

"What would you say if I told you I loved you?" My question had caught him off guard, then he looked at me and smiled like he always did.

"I'd say I love you too."