
Waking The Demon

The next morning, Ed came around the house at 11 to take me to the mall and see a movie afterwards. Walking home at around 3 o'clock and he held just a couple of my fingers and while we were walking I suddenly stopped and Ed walked right out of holding my hand. He looked at me like 'WTF' and looked in the direction I was.

"Don't worry about her Jess. Bothering her is just going to get you in deeper."


"Jess, I'm sorry. I don't know what I was thinking. But I was talking to John, here and he slapped some sense into me."

"Really? [that's disgusting!] I don't know what to say, but I guess I forgive you. We're in a stupid fight anyway. I was wrong to blow up at you like that."

"It's okay," she said. "Friends?"

"Friends." I smiled and me and Ed continued walking home.

"That was really cool of you," Ed said. "I'm proud you guys settled your dispute."

"Ed, do you know what kind of person I am? Before I met you?"

"Not really, but, I don't mean to sound stalkerish, but I know your habits." He stopped, as if to think about something. "But Jess, what kind of person are you?"

"Not a good one. I did drugs all the time. I have stooped so low as to show up at school drunk and stoned. I fell asleep in Mrs. Caulfield's class and got detention. Did you know that I've been in detention more than any of my classes?"

"Unfortunately yes. There were times when I said to myself I should just leave the school because I was afraid of when we finally did meet, talk and eventually fall in love, that you'd bring me down because of your crazy antics. But I didn't give up hope on you, I knew you could become somone unlike yourself for me, which you did. You still have your crazy antics, just different ones around me. Tell me, Jess. What triggers your thought, to be someone you you're not?"

"The fear of losing you."

"You change yourself because you're afraid I'll leave you?" Ed asked.

"I do it unconsciously. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

"What about Amber and Billie? You love them, right?"

"Well of course, but neither of them compare to you. I mean, you changed my parents! You're a savior!"

We finally got home and we stopped by Burger King, Ed was invited to stay.They quickly fell in love with Ed and they did, as well, become something they weren't, like everyone else in his presence. They laughed at all his jokes and I smiled th whole time, barely taking my eyes off of Ed. I couldn't believe this was actually happening. Ed soon left after dinner and my parents fell asleep around 10, so I decided I'd go down stairs and paint on the computer application. Not long after I finished a stick figure picture of me and Ed, I heard a satisfying knock on the window, but before I could get over there, he was already climbing in.

"Did I interrupt your masterpiece?" Ed asked with a smile.

"Nope. Finished." I returned the smile.

He came over to me and kissed me and I led him to the bed. We made out for a good while when he suddenly stopped and looked at me.

"Jessica, I'm sorry. I can't do this."

"Well, I didn't think this was going to lead anywhere, but okay."

"I know it wasn't going to lead anywhere," he said like something was bothering him. "Jess, I came here to do something and I'm not leaving til I do."


"I'm leaving. I realized after what I said today that I'm turning you into something you're not. And I don't like that. I want you to be who you really are, whoever that might be, without me. Your life would be much more real if you could live your life without me," he explained this all to me and I hoped it was a dream.

"Ed, you can't leave! Not now!"

"I have to. Things are better this way. But I will never forget you and I will never love another."

He kissed me quickly and escaped out the window. That was the last time I ever saw him.