
Path To Confirmation

The alarms was buzzing in my face and I pulled the covers over my head. My mom busted through the door. "Jessica! Get your ass up! What do you think you're doing?" I peeked at her from under the quilt and put it back down. "Come on! Ed'll be here any minute!" I started crying and she seemed to know why. She came down the steps and sat at the edge of my bed. "Oh, Jess. What happened?"

"I don't. Want to. Talk about it."

She got up and left without further judgement. I layed there all day barely blinking my eyes thoughout, but when I did, it was to shed away tears. The phone rang and I picked it up, but said nothing and heard Amber babble away.

"Jessica! Oh my God! You and Ed weren't at school..." I put the phone back on the hook and tried to not think about him. Just when I thought I did, I heard a knock at the window. Am I hallucinating things? Or did I really hear something? I looked out and saw a piece of paper. In desparation, I brought it in and it said my name in his handwriting.

Dear Jessica,
I can't get you out of my thoughts. Everything I see and do reminds me of what we used to be. Antonio, the bathroom, my pillow, they all have your scent and your memories. I'd like to say that this letter will tell you that we're getting back together. But, as much as it pains, kills and hurts me, I know that it won't. Things have gotten so bad in the last 18 hours that my house, this city, and this state are just making the feelings worse. So, I'm moving. Far away enough where I need a plane to get there. I know you're wondering why I'm doing all this, I just want you to end up with someone that'll love you to the fullest and doesn't have to worry about anything but fulfilling your wildest dreams. Give you what you need instead of buying you things left and right. I can't give you a warm, cozy bed and put you to sleep every night. I admit that I won't be there always. You must accept that I am not the one for you. If you ever feel like tying the knot, consider the two strings coming together as you and Billie. That look in his eyes he had that day told me that he'd take a bullet for you. Goodbye, Jess Love
-Edward Kristopher Winters

Tears dropped from my eyes and I picked up the phone and dialed the 7-digit number.

"Billie? This is Jessica..."