Status: Close to being done. I can't believe it :((


Tell Me


"...What did you learn, Father? Sharada asked.

"Apparently, your mother did work here for a while, but then she got sick, and never actually came back here. That's all I found so far. Sorry it isn't much, it's just that I thought any information about her would be nice. I'll keep searching though..."

"Thank you, Father Harry. Goodbye." Sharada hung up.

"Are you okay?" I asked her, rubbing her arm.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm going to go home. My dad won't be home, and he always leaves a key under the mat, so I'll just go in and get some stuff." She stated.

"Okay. If your landlord isn't home yet, you can come back here. Call me though, I don't want you walking all the way here." I told her.

"You only live a couple miles away. I can walk."

"I know, but I would rather pick you up then have you walk and make me worry about you." I whispered.

"Aww, you worry about me?" She asked, and I nodded. "You're adorable Joe. I was also wondering if I could use some of your clothes because mine are still not dry yet...."

"Sure, of course."

Sharada's POV

After Joe dropped me off, I went up to my apartment and saw that the key was still under the mat. I went in and got some clothes and went over to my landlord's apartment. I knocked on the door, hoping he was finally home. The door opened revealing Phil.

"Hey Sharada, how are you?" He asked, opening the door more, inviting my in.

"I'm good. I have to tell you something though."


"My dad and I got into a fight and he.... well, he slapped me." I stated.

"He what?" He exclaimed.

"He slapped me. It wasn't too hard, but I... just didn't understand why. But he was hungover again and was going back to drinking again and... I was wondering if I could stay here a couple days, until I can actually talk to him without getting upset." I dragged on.

"Of course, stay here as long as you want. Do you want anything to drink?" He asked going into the kitchen.

"Coke please." I smiled, following him as I dropped my stuff on the couch. I went and sat down on the dining room chair. He passed a coke to me and looked down at me.

"Do you want anything to eat? I feel like making pancakes..." He stated crossing his arms.

"Can I have two? AND, could you make me your famous scambled eggs, if isn't to much to ask..." I asked, pouting, knowing he would make me them anyway.

"Of course Sharada, anything for you." He smiled and went back to the kitchen, getting stuff out for the pancakes and eggs.

I opened my coke and took a sip, staring at me can in deep thought.

"What you thinking about, Sharada?" He asked.

"What do you remember of my mother? I kinda miss her today, and I just don't remember all that much, so..."

"I remember a lot about your mother. I knew her before she moved here with your father." He replied.

"Really?" I was surprised.

"Yeah, we grew up in the same neighborhood. We were in the same high school. She was a really nice girl. A little strange at times, but always nice. She was so beautiful, just like you." That made me blush. I didn't think I looked like my mother. "Then for a while, I didn't see her. Then when her and your father moved here, it was like old times again. It good for many years. Then of course she left us...."

I nodded my head, thinking he meant her divorcing my father.

He sighed. "How would you like you pancakes?"

"Chocolate chips, please." I smiled.

"Just like your mother. Just like your mother..." He laughed.
♠ ♠ ♠
So, I'm an horrible person. I know I am. I literally haven't update in close to a year. I Like how the last time I update was summer lol. Anyway, I just wanted to say I'm sorry and that I will be updating again, very soon. Probably in like a week or two. I'm being serious this time because....


Yep, this story is almost done. But don't worry. It was will go out in a bang ;))

Thank you to every single one of my 5 subscribers that are still reading this story. Please comment and tell me what you think so far.

I love you all so much. Thank you for being so understanding.


(Also, if you are subsribed my old stories that have been finished and you get noticifations say it has been updated, you can ignore them. I'm going through my first couple of stories and changing them around a bit. Only read them if you wanna :))