
Chapter 50

Ellenorah's POV

Ellenorah-That dress looks adorable on you.
Lillian-I think the designs great but I can't really breathe in it.
Ellenorah-Then try the other one that looked like that one.
Lillian-Good idea.

Lillian and I were currently dress shopping for her wedding dress and mine as well. We were planning each others we saved a lot of time because we both knew what the other wanted. Lillian came out again in a dress that was strapless and had a beautiful beaded design on the corset underneath not that Lillian needed it, she just wanted one to look pretty. The rest of the dress flowed prefectly down the length of her legs and the train simply followed behind like a lost little puppy. It looked amazing.

Lillian-Sis what do you think?
Ellenorah-I think if we weren't sisters, you weren't engaged to Nick and I was gay I would marry you. You look amazing!
Lillian-Thanks I think.
Ellenorah-No sis you look gorgeous you could stop traffic with that dress.
Lillian-Thanks sis this really means a lot.

I smiled at my sister and felt my phone buzz. I took it out of my pocket and opened the new message:

From-Dark Raven

meet in favourite coffee shop in half an hour
and that's an order

I gasped at the sender number and pinched myself to make sure that I wasn't seeing things.

Lillian-What is it?
Ellenorah-I just got a text.
Lillian-What's the big deal? Did Kevin spill something on his suit?
Ellenorah-(quietly)It's from Angel.
Lillian-Very funny you and I both know that she's six feet under thanks to that bastard.

I showed her the text and she nearly had a heart attack.

Lillian-You don't mean that she's...?
Ellenorah-(nods slowly) I think so.
Lillian-Do you think we should call her just in case?
Ellenorah-I don't know what to think. I mean what are you supposed to think when you get a text from your best friend who's meant to be dead?
Lillian-I think we should call her.
Ellenorah-I think we should go home first and tell the boys about this.

Lillian paid for the dress and we drove back to the Jonas residence. I pulled into the drive way and practically bolted up the stairs to Kevin's room. Lillian sat on his bed as I paced the room.

Lillian-What do you think we should do?
Ellenorah-I don't think we should tell the boys about this.
Kevin-Don't think you should tell the boys about what?
Ellenorah-Oh shit.

I turned around to see Kevin standing there with Nick next to him. I pulled the both of them into his room and locked the door behind them. I pushed them to sit on the bed next to Lillian.

Ellenorah-Where's Joe?
Kevin-Helping Frakie with some English work why?
Lillian-Okay you both can't tell him this ever.
Nick-Why what's so big that we can know but Joe can't?
Lillian-(sighs) Show them.

I pulled out my phone and showed them the message. Nick's eye brows furrowed in concentration, trying to find what the big deal was as did Kevin.

Kevin-It's a text message from 'Dark Raven'? So what?
Ellenorah-Do you remember Angel's codename?
Nick-Yeah it wa--(gasps) No!
Lillian-Yep. She's alive.
Kevin-But how the hell--? With that much blood she couldn't have--? Could she?
Ellenorah-I don't know but you can't tell Joe.
Kevin & Nick-We won't.
Ellenorah-All right, Lillian let's go. And boys not a word.

She nodded and we all walked out of Kevin's room. We drove down to our favourite coffee shop. This was going to be the first time we would see Angel in a little over a year and I couldn't wait. I had so many questions for her and I wanted to get my answers. I pulled up and parked right in front of the shop.

We walked in and ordered our coffees. I scanned the room, not really caring who saw me looking around like an idiot when something caught my eye, well more like when someone caught my eye. It was the red head we'd seen in earlier months I wonder if she had heard from Angel.

We got our coffees and we sat down with the red head.

Red head-(familiar voice) You're ten minutes late.
Ellenorah-I thought you didn't speak English.
Red head-Jesus Ellenorah if you still haven't figured out who I am then you're almost as dense as I am!
Lillian-Wait what?

We both took a closer look at the red head who was reading a book. She lifted her head and smirked.

Ellenorah & Lillian-ANGEL?!
Angel-Jesus you're slower now. What have the boys done to your brains?

I smiled and nearly started crying but I managed to hold them back.

Lillian-I need to ask you something.
Lillian-Will you be a bridesmaid at my wedding?
Ellenorah-Mine too?
Angel-(Smiling) Of course.
Lillian-What's with the new cut?
Angel-I needed a change that and well I needed a cover.
Ellenorah-We need to talk big time.
Angel-Not really no, I'm a Watcher Assassin so I know pretty much everything you've been up to lately.
Ellenorah-I meant about Joe.

She went quiet and took a sip from her coffee. It was good to have her back.

Joe's POV

Joe-So do you understand now Frankster?
Frankie-Yeah thanks Joe!

I smiled and tousled his hair. I went upstairs and heard hushed whispers coming from Kevin's room. I pressed my ear to his door and tried to listen in on what they were talking about.

Kevin-(muffled through the door)It's a text message from 'Dark Raven'? So what?
Ellenorah-Do you remember Angel's codename?
Nick-Yeah it wa--(gasps) No!
Lillian-Yep. She's alive.
Kevin-But how the hell--? With that much blood she couldn't have--? Could she?
Ellenorah-I don't know but you can't tell Joe.
Kevin & Nick-We won't.
Ellenorah-All right, Lillian let's go. And boys not a word.

I heard them walking towards the door and made a run for my own room. I sat down on my bed and tried to think about what they were trying to say. If the girls were right then Angel was still alive then I could call her and tell her how much I still love her right? No, Joe, she's dead. She's gone and she's never coming back. But still what if they were right? A knock at the door brought me back to reality and I pretened like I had been playing my guitar.

Nick-Hey Joe me and Kevin were going to go get some ice-cream with Frankie wanna come with us?
Joe-Thanks but I'm all right here.
Nick-You sure?
Joe-Yeah just peachy.

He shrugged and closed the door again. I needed to get to the bottom of this but how to do it without them knowing that I know what I'm not supposed to? This was going to be very difficult.
♠ ♠ ♠
this was the final chapter in paranoia hopefully you guys enjoyed
the next season is calld 'If everything were what it seemed'.
just some feedback on this would be great what you liked
what you didn't like and what you think or would like to see happen in the second season!
rate sub and comment1!

ily you guys mwa!

<3 alexis