The Aspen Grove

My assignment was to write a short story including vocabulary words.

blight: (v) to case to wither or decay; blast; to destroy; ruin; frustrate

dogged: (n) persistent in effort; stubbornly tenacious

imminent: (adj) likely to occur at any moment; impending

infallible: (adj) incapable of erring

iridescent: (adj) exposed to or involving danger; dangerous; perilous; risky

reiterate: (v) to say or do again or repeatedly; repeat, often excessively

serene: (adj) calm, peaceful, or tranquil; undruffled

sullenly: (adj) showing irritation or ill humor by a gloomy silence or reserve

Now, she had a place all her own.... She found the tree. It had a heart carved into it about eye level, with "CM + JW" carved within.
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