Dot Dot Dot

Getting Started

There were about 14 floors in this huge ass school and my first class was on the 10th floor. I had to take the stairs.

When I reached the 10th floor I leaned against the wall. The bell rung while I was on the 8th floor. "Just a couple of more seconds" I thought to myself out loud.

A boy came around the corner with smooth blond hair, pink eyes with a gray sweater and a pair of skinnies on looked at me and laughed.

"Go back to where you came from, you don't belong here"

I stuck my middle finger up at him. “I’m not to sure my mother would be too happy to have me go up her vagina again after 15 years. I'm sure yours don't either. You’re a mistake."

He gave me the 'Your-full-of-shit' look and I gave him the 'don't-try-me' look. He walked away and I finally got up and climbed up the stairs to my first period class.

My first class was English, and I have a teacher named Mrs. Adam. I walked into the class and all eyes were on me.

"May I help you?" Said the lady that must be Mrs. Adam.

"I'm a new student of yours" I said looking around the class room. These kids look like they wanted to eat me.

"Oh! Okay. Yes I was told I was going to have a new student. What's your name?" She asked sweetly.

"Manda Robinson-Courtney." I said kind of happy that she could be nice.

"Have a seat in the very back." She said so fast I almost didn't understand.

"I will give you all of your books and important papers you will need for this class later." Mrs. Adam suddenly acted as if I were a problem child that punched her kid in the face and threw her dog in the lake.

"Okay." I said walking as fast as I could to the desk at the back of the room. Eyes followed me.

"Angel can you please finish reading?"

As Angel read I looked at her. Something here was totally wrong. I could tell she was the most popular girl in the school by the way the boys looked at her in class. But there is something more, something deep behind it and I wanted to sit back and watch.

Angel had a perfect body with the boobs to match. She had brown eyes that looked like they were turning orange, long dark brown curly hair, Carmel but pale skin, an oval shaped head and high cheek bones you only see models with. She also wore a pink Hollister shirt with ripped skinny jeans and white and pink Nike's.

When Angel finished reading she turned around and caught me staring at her. I was given the most evil glare by her. I snapped forward and pretend to pay attention to what the Mrs. Adam was saying.
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Thanks again for reading. More coming soon! Advice? Comments?
Muffins! =P