Dot Dot Dot


I couldn't find my second period class so I went to lunch and I sat by my self. Big deal. These kids are weird anyway.

My third period class was drama and this time I was on time because I was only one floor away (4th to the 5th floor)

I walked up to the right of the stage where the teacher was. He was a tall skinny black man that had on jeans with a nice sweater. He also had a long face with pretty brown eyes, and newly cut hair.

"Hi! You must be new, what's your name?" He said with a grin. Here we go again. "I'm Manda Robinson-Courtney." I said knowing what might happen next.

His grin disappeared so fast I almost for got he was wearing one. Then he gave me a questioning look. "Have you ever been in a play before?"

"No." I said confused. "It's okay; you'll learn how to be an actor just like the other students. I'm Mr. James by the way." He walked to the center of the stage to where all the students were talking while motioning me to follow him.

"Everyone listen up! Listen up!" Mr. James said while clapping his hands together to get everyones attention. "We have a new student today her name is Manda. Please welcome her." Everyone looked at me as if I said something bad about their mothers.

Everyone went to their seat as Mr. James called out the attendance. I followed the crowd. I sat between a girl and a boy. The girl was Spanish with long black hair, black bright eyes, and flawless skin. She took one look at me sucked her teeth, rolled her eyes, then turned the other way so that she wasn't facing me.

"That’s Missy don't mind her." I jumped to a boy's voice that was sitting on the other side of me.

"I'm Michael. Manda right?" He asked. Michael had beautiful Carmel soft skin, a nice firm built body, nice hair cut, and dark hazel eyes. "Yea." I said with a little laughter in my voice. Michael looked around as if he had a super secret to tell me that no one else should hear.

He licked his lips, and leaned in really close to my ear. "You know words going around in town that your mother isn't married and that you’re a troublesome bastard." I wanted to smack him with my shoe. "What? My father left for some whore and were starting a new life without him. I'm not a bastard nor am I trouble okay?" I almost yelled.

"I'm sorry." He said leaning back on the edge of his chair. “I didn't believe it; I just wanted to get to know you before everyone starts to judge. Everyone in this stupid town is judge mental and controlling. They want every adult here to be married with at least one child...” He said in a whisper.

"What? And who's 'They'?" I asked cutting him off.
"The people that 'Welcomed' you the other day" He said putting his hands in quotation marks. "I live across the street from you...and a couple of doors down."

I was really confused. He came out of nowhere with this, and I'm kind of scared. He could tell by my facial expression.

"I can tell that your opened minded...with a smart mouth." I glared at him. He flashed a smile that made me blush. "I can also tell you like to be free and are very outgoing. Once you make friends you can be yourself laughing and smiling.

Am I being stalked after living in this town for 2 weeks already?

"Well you can't here. They are very strict. It's almost like an authoritarian government, you have no say."

"Dude! I mean Michael? What are you..."
"You may be getting a letter from 'Them' in a couple of days. If you and your mom stay she has to get married, and fast. If not you have to leave ASAP."

"WOW that was the weirdest thing anyone has ever said to me. You’re really funny." He looked at me with pure seriousness on his face. "Okay, you are serious." I said embarrassed. I looked down at my shoes. I was wearing black converse.

Michael pulled my chin up with his right hand. "Would you believe me if everyone in this town is half zombie?" His hand was still holding my chin like he was going to kiss me. I moved his hand.

You’re a very good actor, but no I guess not. Does that include you?" I asked

"No" He said as he flashed a smile at me.
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Thanks to the people who read!. Comments? advice? more chapters coming soon! =]
Muffins! =P