Dot Dot Dot


A whole week had past and Michael and have became my only friend. I also got that weird letter he told me about. I hid it from my mother because I didn't want her being stressed about having to move again. No one is going to drive us out of this town unless we want to leave.

It turns out that Michael and I have most classes together expect for two classes which is gym and Art. He swears everyone here is half zombie and wants me to keep an eye out and watch for anything weird and I said "Sure, No problem"

On Monday I went to the bus stop and waited for the school bus which was almost ten minutes late. I saw a slow moving like feature limping its way up the street. I looked around and no one was in site. "Hello! Are you okay?" I yelled. It was a man and he looked dirty and homeless. I started to walk toward him to ask if he needed help but as soon as I took one step I was stopped by a hand grabbing on my book-bag. I screamed and turned so fast I started to swing.

"Calm down!" It was Michael. He grabbed my hand before I could say a word and hurried me into his house which was two blocks away. As soon as we got there we went straight to his basement. I guess you could call it his one floor apartment. It had two rooms.

One was his bed room with of course a bed, laptop that was on top of a huge dresser, and a TV. The other room was just a bathroom with only a shower. The other space outside was just a big screen TV, a desktop with all type of computer stuff and one big ass couch.

"What’s wrong with you? That man needed help!" I yelled at him walking up the stairs to leave. "No! He didn't that was a zombie and he was going to get you. I don't know what he could have done to you, but he could have kidnapped, murdered, or ate you and no one in town wouldn't know or cared about what happened."

I stopped. "What are you talking about? No one here is a zombie! You’re just a dumb ass!" I stared at him. Michael looked at me as if he had some type hope of something. Then he looked sad. He walked over to a desk and picked up a book.

I walked back down the stairs. "Look I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you a dumb ass it's just that you’re telling me things that don't make sense and sounds make believe, and I can be kind of rude sometimes."

"What did you say?" He had his glasses on now. He didn't hear not one word I said. "I just yelled at you and you tuned me out." He looked at me and laughed like I just told him the funniest 'you mama so fat' joke. "Everyone I tried to save told me the same thing and yours is no different.”

Michael took both of my hands and tried to explain everything to me, but I couldn't focus because his hands were so soft and I started to day dream about him. "Hello! Did you hear anything I said?"

I looked at him like he was speaking Chinese. "I'm sorry what?" He let go of my hands once he realized what he did then walked three feet away from me. "Now like I said before......"

I looked at my watch and it was 8:30 A.M. "Michael were an hour and a half late for school!" I yelled while I started up the stairs. He grabbed my book-bag again and this time I almost fell down the stairs but he caught me in his arms. He was stronger then I thought.

"Were not going to school today. We can't. Well you can't. We have to go through some important things and if your staying in this town your mom needs to get married in less then a month.

”Your joking right?” I asked hoping it was. “No I’m not” He said with a smile that made my heart melt and went to his computer.