Dot Dot Dot


Saturday morning is finally here and I have to clean. My mom is working today so I'm home alone today. After my iPod was fully charged I found my head phones and blasted Situations by Escape The Fate in my ears as I cleaned the bathroom. I thought I heard knocking at the door but I wasn't to sure so I kept cleaning while listening to Saturday by The Secret Handshake. The knocking was getting louder when the song was ending.

I put my music on pause and walked to the front door. I opened the door and Micheal burst in. "Took you long enough!" He said while breathing hard. I rolled my eyes and got him a bottle of water and motioned for him to catch. "What are you doing here?" I asked while heading to the kitchen. "Yesterday after school I was called to the office and they gave me this to give to you." He handed me an white envelope.

It was thick and heavy. I set it down on the counter not trying to be bothered with it right now. I decided to give it to mom when she got home.

Aside from there being a thick, white mysterious envalope on my kitchen counter, the rest of the day flew by smoothly. Micheal stayed over a bit and we played video games till it got dark.
"Well I have to get goin, my mom's gonna freak if I don't get home a certain time. I'll see ya tomorrow at school." Micheal said as he walked out the door.
Once I made sure the door was locked I went upstairs and into my room. I closed the door floped down on mybed, watching the objects on it bounce. After about ten minutes I looked over at my night stand and looked at the time. 8:37. Mom would be home soon. I hopped off the bed and went to my dressed, grabbing out my soft pyjama pants and a white tee. I placed them on the bed and walked to the bathroom to take a shower.
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Well now, The author of this story(aka best friend) said I can do what ever I want if she doesn't update. So here's a new chappy! I didn't write the beginning of this chap though, but hopefully more will come soon!. Comment And Subscribe Please.