Unrequited Love

Unrequited Love

“I can’t take this anymore guys!” Dougie yelled, running out of the living room, and stomping up to his room.

“What the bloody hell is wrong with him?” Harry asked

“I have no clue,” Tom said, running his fingers through his blonde hair

“Erm, maybe someone should go and talk to him?” Harry suggested.

“Yeah, maybe,” Tom said, both Harry and Tom looked at Danny.

“What?” Danny asked

“You were always his best mate…” Tom said

“Yeah, you’re right,” Danny said, standing up, “I’ll go see what’s up with him”

“Good,” Harry and Tom said in sync

Danny walked up to Dougie’s room where he found the smaller boy laying on his bed, tearing a picture of his ex girlfriend into a million pieces. They just broke up that morning.

“Doug?” Danny whispered, walking into Dougie’s room.

“Get out” Dougie said, feeling his eyes swell up with tears.

“Are you alright?” Danny asked walking closer to Dougie

“Yeah” Dougie said, but his voice quivered.

“Dougs, I know you better, what’s wrong?” Danny said, looking at Dougie.

“I’m fine” Dougie said, sitting up and threw the pieces of his ex girlfriend on the floor. Danny reached down and picked up one of the pieces, he looked at the chestnut coloured eye on the piece.

“Oh Dougie, did you and Ashley break up?” Danny said, holding on to the piece

“Do you know the words ‘get out’?” Dougie asked as more tears fell from his eyes

“Doug, you are my best friend, I don’t like to see you like this” Danny said quietly, looking at his best friend.

“Fine-yes-Ashley-and-I-broke-up-ok?” Dougie said in one breath, trying to hold back the tears. He wasn’t crying because of his break up, he was crying because he loved someone who he knew would never return the favour, someone who would never love him.

“I’m so sorry Doug” Danny said

“I’m glad to get rid of her” Dougie said angrily

“Then why are you so upset Dougie?”

“You ask too many questions” Dougie whispered, lying down on his bed, facing the wall. He finally couldn’t keep the tears in anymore; they came flowing out, uncontrollably.

“Dougs, you’re starting to scare me, I’ve never seen you like this” Danny said

“You know what Danny?” Dougie said, sitting up again

“What?” Danny said looking at Dougie

“The problem is you; it’s your fault I’m like this, its all because of YOU!” Dougie said angrily

“What did I do?” Danny asked.

“YOU WERE BORN!” Dougie yelled

“What the hell are you talking about Doug?” Danny asked

“I can’t be around you without being mad, confused, and upset. I don’t show it, but I feel it” Dougie said to Danny.

“Ok…” Danny said in confusion

“Just go” Dougie whispered

“Are you going to tell me what I do to make you feel that way?” Danny asked as he stood in the doorway

“No” Dougie said

“Ok, feel better” Danny said, as he ran down the stairs to join Harry and Tom

“It’s just that I am in love with you” Dougie said to himself as he ran down the stairs to join the other guys for pizza.