Tears for Fears

Chapter 1

The rain beat down on the window pane. Beading up then streaming down in a pattern that ended on the sill.

The broken glass letting in the cold wet air, puddles on the wood floors. That water I used to was the blood off my hands. The blood was everywhere spilling out from the slit on his throat.

The blood. It was so sweet. Yet salty at the same time.

I was staring at the body, pale and lifeless. The fearful expression still on his face.

Jason. My boyfriend, ex now. My first meal.

I had lured him to this place, telling him that we would have sex if he came. He gladly agreed.

I had slit his throat with the knife I hid in my boots. I had come up behind him and whispered in his ear that he was mine now.

When I saw the stream of red I couldn't help myself. I drank, and drank, and drank until I was full.

It was the first time I had ever accepted the fact that I wasn't what everyone thought. I wasn't the perfect daughter. I wasn't the perfect student. I wasn't perfect.

I was a vampire. I was dark and evil. I was confused though. The voice in my head telling me to accept it, to kill those that were full off blood. I didn't want to kill people, but it felt so good.

I liked the blood, the screams of pain. I felt nothing after. No remorse, nothing.

I knew that it was wrong and I loved it. Sometimes though at night I would wake up screaming because of what I'd done.

I was a vampire and I enjoyed every minute of it.
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just to set up the story.