In My Life


His honey eyes were filled with harsh salty tears, and as he stared at his reflection in his bathroom mirror, he hated himself for not being able to understand. He didn’t understand why he was crying. He didn’t understand why he was suddenly doing so horribly in school. He couldn’t understand why his parents didn’t seem to notice him anymore. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t focus in church like he used to be able to. He didn’t understand why all of a sudden he was having THOSE dreams about his best friend.
Those dreams. Ryan glared at his reflection, and growled roughly at himself through clenched teeth.
“You aren’t gay.” He hissed at the boy in the glass.
“You aren’t.” Today wasn’t going to be a good day.

Brendon studied himself in the mirror. Should he wear his glasses today? His head was hurting a bit, and contact lenses might only make that worse. Yes, today he will wear his red glasses. What about his pants? Brendon glanced behind him at his mother’s full-length mirror. He liked her bathroom better than his own. He could see his butt more easily with her mirror than his. He decided that the black pants didn’t look as good with his pale yellow Blink-182 shirt as his grey ones would, so he skipped back to his bedroom to change.
Brendon winked at his Carmen Electra poster as he passed his wall, and picked his worn grey skinny-jeans up from the floor. In one swift movement, he smelled them, deciding that they didn’t smell dirty, and pulled them on. He had slept well the night before. Today was going to be a good day.

Allison awoke to Green Day’s “September Ends” as her ringtone for Brendon found its way through the speakers of her cell phone.
“Wha d’you wann Brenn?” She asked, her voice slurred and angry. She wasn’t normally cranky in the morning, but she had been up late studying for an anatomy test she had forgotten about, and her roommate hadn’t left coffee on her bedside table like she usually did.
“A ride.”
“To where?”
“Get Jill to drive”
“She’s already there!”
No wonder her coffee wasn’t waiting for her.
“What about Olivia?”
“Liv’s on the paper too! Just drive me. PWEASEEE?”
Allison’s eyes shut themselves tighter as Brendon’s voice successfully became even higher and louder than it had been.
She looked at her clock, “7:46” flashed across it’s digital screen in bright purple letters and she groaned.
“You’re going to make me late if I pick you up.”
“First period is free today.”
“What? How do you know that?”
“You think Ryan, Spencer, Liv, Jon, Jill, AND Zack would all go to school without me, making you be my only option, if it meant that you’d be late?”
“It’s not like they haven’t before.”
“Did Jill forget your coffee this morning?”
“It’s not my fault I can’t work that fancy thing she bought last week.”
“It’s called a coffee maker, and it’s not that hard.”
“Is that why instead of using yours, you send Jon out for Starbucks every morning?”
“That’s not fair, you know how easily I burn!”
“You’re a loser.”
“So are you picking me up, or what?”
She grumbled, and stuffed her head back into her pillow. He blond hair sprawled across the white bed sheet, and she sighed at Brendon’s huff. In her head, a lovely visual of Brendon sitting in his living room, with his cell phone in his ear, and his homework strewn messily over his blue couch played. She pictured his pale lips, forming the perfect pout as the strained noise jumped from his throat. She cooed inwardly at his immense cuteness. She laughed silently to herself when she realized that she couldn’t even really SEE his pout, and it was working.
“Fine. I’ll be there in 10.”

When Brendon finally made it to Palo Verde, he flew across the hallway making a superman inspired noise. Allison followed behind him reluctantly, rolling her eyes at his antics, but she giggled when he slipped on a misplaced piece of loose-leaf paper and landed on the dirty gray flooring.
“Wasn’t my fault.”
“Here babe,” Spencer appeared behind Allison with a cup of something that she found absoloutely beautiful at that moment.
“I will marry you. Right now,” She said, taking the coffee from him and allowing her pink lips to warm themselves on the edge of the mug,
“I’m still in pain here, you guys.”
Brendon’s voice was whiny, but he smiled as his friend purred as the hot liquid rolled down her throat. She knew her tests would go well, but she had been nervous about her lack of sleep. She was sure coffee would help.
“Don’t thank me babe, Jill texted me about 10 minutes ago to tell me that she had left Coffee in the lounge microwave for you. Olivia heated it up for you. All I did was bring it here.”
“Yeah, but thanks anyway, if this cup hadn’t had your legs, my butt would be on the brink of total failure right now.”
“You’re welcome then.” Brendon and Allison both marveled slightly at Spencer’s smile as he turned to get to his second period class.
“We need to get to Spanish Brendon.”
“I need to get off the floor.”
“Then get off the floor.”
Today was going to suck.
♠ ♠ ♠
I'm new to Mibba. So, hello!
My name is Jill. I enjoy feedback, so please comment.