Status: Active - Upadates - Editing



The day his brother was born Daniel Antony Miles aged four and a five days moved out, he decided enough was enough, he was going to live in the play house.

“Home was just no fun without Mummy and Daddy,” he explained to his Nan who just laughed and told him he was “having beans on toast for tea and did he want some juice?”

Quarter of an hour later Danny was teaching his toys to count to five when Nan ran out. She said Mummy had had her baby. She bundled Danny into the car who helpfully pointed out the front door was open. Twenty minutes later they were at the hospital. Hospitals scared Danny so he clung to his Nan’s hand as they walked up the squeaky corridor. Mummy was in a pink room. She smiled when she saw Danny.

“Hello Danny.” Danny ran up to her bed. Daddy’s strong arms lifted him up and put him on the bed.

“You sit there Mummy wants you to meet someone,” Daddy told him. Mummy reached into the plastic box on the other side of the bed and carefully pulled out a baby. So that’s where they come from.

“Danny this is Rachel Marie,” Mummy held the baby so Danny could see him. He was pretty average looking in Danny’s eyes, two eyes a nose, but Mummy and Daddy and even Nan where looking at her like she was a brand new action man.

“That’s a funny name for a boy.” Danny said finally.

“That’s because she’s not a he, she’s a she.” Mummy said some what sadly.

Danny didn’t understand why she was sad; Mummy had been looking forward to her new baby for so long.

“Daddy I’m hungry,” Jake said.

Nan picked him up.

“I’ll get him something.”

Jake was out of the room before he could say he’d wanted Daddy to take him
♠ ♠ ♠
This is a bit more of changed chapter. It's not much different but it makes my later chapter easier to understand. =)
feedback, did you like the story more before, any thoughts about it now?