Status: Active - Upadates - Editing




Hey Dad,
I hate you, just to get that out there. I really hate you, you left mum with two kids you pig, but she’s got a new husband, and new daughters. Ester and Elsie. They are beautiful, almost identical except Ester is one year and three days older. God you should see them, beautiful little girls, Essie is seven and Else is six. They both play piano and sing. Rachel loves them to pieces, she never talks about you though. Wonder why? She was a massive Daddy’s girl; she never thought it would be possible that you could just leave.
Any I hope you and that college girl are happy, or not, whatever.

Merry Christmas
I hate you
♠ ♠ ♠
OKay so this has been changed, I don't think it is as good but it fits the background better,