All the Damn Vampires

Part 1

I hopped off my motorcycle and motioned for the boys to follow me down to a small opening in the side of a cliff where a group of Surf Nazis were dancing around their fire, listening to The Doors. I recognized the song, it was People Are Strange.

How appropriate. I thought to myself as I smirked and crept closer towards the fire, turning to see Marko and David standing behind me, their eyes a fiery orange, same as mine. Dwayne and Paul were both putting the kick-stands down on their bikes, then they walked over and Paul moved up towards me.

“Now?” He asked.

“Now.” I said, and leapt.

For a moment I was in the air, then I hit the ground at a run and tackled one of the guys on the beach, I had no particular one in mind when I jumped, but I landed on one who, I must say, was particularly tasty.

* * *

It was never hard to find a meal; there were always small parties on the beach, hidden away from the rest of the world. I thought they would have learned by now, but, I guess the lessons never really set in. No matter, it just made it easier for us to eat, and the less time we spent finding a meal, the more time we had to party the night away before we had to return the hotel to spend the day.

We reached the pier at around 11:00 and walked towards the carousel, it was always fun to mess with the guards. Sometimes they even made for a tasty snack before we went to sleep. Macabre as it sounds, it’s our way of life, and it always will be.

Sleep all day. Party all night. Never grow old. Never die. It’s good to be a vampire.

I stepped on and sat down on a horse, then turned to face David. He had his hair spiked up like always, so I reached out and ran my fingers lightly over the spikes. I loved the way the felt. He reached up and grabbed my hand; it always bugged him when I touched his hair, so I put my hand down and felt the wooden horse. I ran my finger over a rough spot.

“Shit!” I said when I felt a splinter go into my middle finger.

I saw some little kid’s mom turn around and give me a look, so I held up my middle finger, just the middle one, to show her that I had gotten a splinter.

Marko laughed and pulled the sliver of wood out of my finger, and I watched as a small drop of blood ran down my finger. Marko’s eyes flashed orange for a moment, but I quickly wiped the blood off on my jeans and turned on the horse to face him completely.

“What are you thinking about Marky?” I asked

“I’m thinking that it’s getting boring just standing here.” He said, a hint of annoyance in his voice.

“Alright then, let’s move on boys.”

I hopped off the horse and walked along the side of the carousel then jumped off and started to head for the bikes. I didn’t turn to see if they were following me, they always did.

I got on mine and watched as Marko got on his, then David, Dwayne, and finally Paul. I revved the engine and took off down the beach, almost hitting a guy the stepped out in front of me. Idiot.
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Luv Always,