Status: HIATUS

My Everything

Chatper 1

As the last hour of my final day of junior year lulled on endlessly, the doodles on my paper became more intense. What had started as a mere doodle of a princess was now a full blown work of art; prince riding a horse, dragon, and castle with moat included.

My advanced algebra two exam had been a breeze and I was the first one finished. Math came easily to me and was my favorite subject.

Finally, when it seemed as though the clock on the wall had stopped moving, the bell rang and pierced through my ears. It was really the only time I had been glad to hear the deafening sound.

"Lovin the doodles," Ellen Sanders said, now next to me as others filed--more like scrambled--out of the room. Ellen, or as she prefers 'Ellie', has been my best friend ever since she told me she was jealous of my then shinier clarinet our freshman year. Luckily we both had enough sense to not rejoin our sophomore year.

"I know, right?" I asked and rose from my desk. "It took me forever to get the prince's face just right."

"Psh, he's a hottie."

We both laughed and headed towards the exit. The hallways were the usual last day of school mess. The underclassmen were all jumping and hugging their friends, happy they survived their first year in high school; papers were being thrown everywhere; and then there was the usual scattered couples making out here and there. We all know how they'll be spending their time tonight.

"So, what's the plan for tonight?" Ellie asked.

There's not much to do in our little town of Winston. We have enough people here, it's just not massive. No good bands ever come here thanks to our lack in acceptable venues. And I suppose our movie theatre is okay but it never gets the movies you want to see. And we have parks but no one ever wants to go outside.

Ellie's voice broke into my thoughts. "Earth to Sarah. Hello?"

We were now at our cars in the parking lot. How I managed to get here without noticing and not hurting myself I'll never know.

"Right, sorry." I faced her. "Sleepover at my place? We can watch movies or bake or something."

She nodded, got into her car, started it, and rolled down the window. "Sounds like a plan to me. Five-ish?"

"Five-ish," I agreed.

I watched as she sped away in her red SUV and then got into my gray volvo. Although I only lived about ten minutes away from the school--when walking--I still felt the need to drive. That's my laziness hard at work.

Five minutes later I was pulling into my driveway. As I got out of my car I noticed some commotion going on across the street. Naturally I stared for a few minutes.

The first thing I noticed was the moving van in front of the house with two guys lifting a big box out of it. A short lady with short, jet black hair in a red jumpsuit was yelling at the two men. She was so little and they were so huge. It was funny so I laughed out loud.

"Mind filling me in on the joke?" a male voice said from behind me.

"Oh it's just that that lady looks so f-" I stopped mid sentence as soon as I saw the source of the voice.

To say he was gorgeous would be an understatement. This boy was perfect. He was a little taller than me, about five nine or so, with dark brown, curly hair and chocolate brown eyes. He had on black athletic shorts and a white v-neck T that showed off his muscles. This boy just screamed perfection.

But now he was looking intently at me with this gorgeous smile so I needed to stop staring like an idiot and say something.

"Uhm, uh, oh yeah. She looks so funny in her red jumpsuit yelling at those big guys. Just cause she's so little."

He laughed and I just about died on the spot it was so cute. "Yeah, that is pretty funny. Ha."

I blushed. "So what are you doing at my house?"

Mystery boy held up some tape. "Well that's my mom and our stuff, so hello new neighbor. But I just came to borrow some tape."

"Oh!" I shrieked. "Sorry if I offended you by laughing at your mom."

"Hey, it's cool," he said in his cool voice. "I thought it was funny too."

My God this boy was amazing and I needed to know his name. I stuck my hand out and said, "I-I-I'm Sarah." Leave it up to me to stutter like an idiot.

He smiled and shook my hand. "Nick."

When he released my hand he walked away across the street, smiling at me one more time before disappearing into the house. Amazing start to my summer? I think so.
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Here is chapter one. Thoughts anyone?