Status: HIATUS

My Everything

Chapter 2

Your mom won't let me sleepover because she doesn't believe in sleepovers on Tuesday nights?" Ellie asked me skeptically through the phone.

I was in my room, hidden in my closet where my mom couldn't hear me lying to my best friend. But this lie was totally believeable because my mom is always believing in or doing wacky things. "Yep. She said that recent studies show that tuesdays are always when fights occur. And not just between friends either. It could be between to random people on the street."

Ellie hm-ed on the other line. "Well it does seem like my brother and I do argue more on tuesdays. Wow, that's weird."

She was actually believing this. I almost wanted to tell her the truth because I was so proud of myself. (I don't get away with lying a lot). "Yeah, so I'm going to get off the phone before we start an argument. Since it's tuesday and all."

"What?!" Ellie yelled, startling me. "You do not say goodbye to me you jerk! What if I still want to talk to you? Huh? Huh? I hate you!" There was laughter and then, "I Kid, I kid. I'll talk to you later Sarah."

I laughed too and said, "Okay, see you."

We hung up and I exited my closet, still happy with myself but at the same time I felt bad. The only reason I had made up that lie was so I could have Nick all to myself. Well, all I would really be doing was staring out my window in hopes of catching a glimpse of him, but I couldn't do that if Ellie was here. Trust me, I was not being a bad friend because if Ellie was in my position she wouldn't even lie to me. She'd just flat out say I can't come over because there is a hot new guy. She's very blunt.

I was looking out the window now at the house across the street. Luckily for me, my room was directly facing their house. The moving vans had disappeared and the only thing outside were the two cars parked out front. I assumed the red clunker was Nick's while the prius was his mom's.

"Sarah!" my mom called from downstairs. "Can you come down for a minute?"

"Sure!" I yelled and headed downstairs.

"What's up?" I asked once I was by my mom. But she wasn't alone. Nick's mom was standing there, still in the red jumpsuit, and she smiled at me when I walked in.

"Honey," my mom said. "This is Mrs. Ackerman. She is our new neighbor that moved in across the street."

Mrs. Ackerman stuck out her hand to shake mine and immediately I thought of Nick. "Hello, Sarah, nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too, Mrs. Ackerman," I replied with a smile.

"Oh, please, call me Denise."

My mom smiled at me. "So, Denise said that you already met Nicholas?"

"Only briefly." I tried not to look all excited that the conversation had finally turned to him.

"Well your mother was so nice to us this afternoon and helped us out alot," Denise said. "So I came over to see if we could take you two out to dinner. I would cook but we just moved in and all."

"That is so wonderful of you Denise but I don't think--"

"Don't think you can say no," Denise cut my mother off. "It'll be good for us all. Nick's been stuck helping us move all day and Sarah was locked in school." She smiled at my mother and I. "It'll help Nick and Sarah get further acquinted-"

Oh boy did I want that.

"-It's the least I can do to say thank you."

My mom laughed. "You won't accept no, will you?"

Denise laughed and said, "No. Now, I'll go get Nicholas and we'll get going. You don't mind if we ride with you, do you?"

"Of course not," my mom replied. "We'll just freshen up quick and then go."

Denise nodded and headed to her house. I sprinted up the stairs and changed into jeans and a purple v-neck. I had to look cute if I was going to be riding in a car next to Nick Ackerman. This day just kept getting better and better.
♠ ♠ ♠
I hate the ending of this chapter. But I wanted to end it. So here it is. Thoughts? ANYONE?