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What A Wonderful Caricature Of... Intimacy

Stephy and Bertranna go to college and run into some old friends...

I sighed as I finally finished packing my last bag, today I was going to Harvard, leaving my better half here in New Jersey. In four hours, I would be on a plane with Bertranna to Massachusetts and away from Nick. I was heart broken.
“Knock, knock”…Some said putting me out of trance.
“Oh, hey Kevin…”…I said before looked at my last bag.

Maybe I over packed, or under packed…I’ve got to re-pack this whole suitcase

I re-opened it and started repacking.
“Nervous?”…Kevin asked.
“No, not at all”…I said sarcastically.
“Don’t be Bertranna’s there, Jess-Vicla’s on her second year so she can help you out, and the Jonas family nothing but a phone call away”…he said putting his hand on my shoulder to comfort me. I turned around and pulled him into a bear hug.
“I’m so damn scared”…I yelled into his chest.
“Ha-ha, relax! We’ll visit you whenever you want us to”…he laughed hugging me back.
“Well, I guess I’m done packing”…I whispered.
“Good. Come on, it’s a long way to the Airport”

“New Jersey to Massachusetts now boarding”

“Ugh, why me”…I groaned into Nick’s shoulder.
“Come on Steph, College is where…we find yourselves!”…Bertranna said trying to cheer me up.
“Yeah, totally”…Jess said.
“I already found myself, here….In New Jersey, with Nick”…I muttered.

“New Jersey to Massachusetts leaving in 10 minutes”

“Come on, you guys need to put your stuff in the Plane, lets leave them alone for a while”…Joe said.
“Since when did you get a heart”…Bertranna muttered walking away with the rest of the group.
“I’ll miss you”…Nick whispered in my hair kissing my head.
“I don’t want to go”…I said tearing up.
“Aw, baby don’t cry”…he whispered.
“I can stay and go to a community college”…I replied.
“No, you’re going to Harvard”…he answered sternly.

“New Jersey to Massachusetts leaving in 5 minutes”

“What do you want to do for the last five minutes”…Nick asked.

So many things ran through my mind, but only one kept coming up…

“Kiss me”…I said. He smiled
“With pleasure”
His lips pushed to mine forcefully, both of us trying to get closer to each other, not like our usual kisses…Short, sweet, loving. This one held Passion, Sadness, Love, Anger, every and any emotion you could think of. Finally, we pulled away.
“Come on, your plane’s about to leave”…he said standing up.

“New Jersey to Massachusetts now leaving

Nick embraced me in a tight hug.
“Here, something to remember me by”…He said handing me his Purity ring.
“Nick….are you sure?”…I asked.
“I should of given it to you months ago”…he said smiling.
“Come on! We’re leaving!”…Bertanna yelled.
Nick kissed me on the cheek and said goodbye. I ran to the plane and took my seat.

Next stop…..Massachusetts

“Oh my god! This is Awesome!”…Bertranna yelled as we looked at the New school we would be at for Four years.
Whee...sarcasm intended
“Yeah, it’s great”…I muttered dragging my bags inside the school looking at my feet while I was walking and bumped into someone.
"Hey, I'll meet up with you guys after i find my dorm"...Jess said before walking off.
"OK"...Me and Bertranna agree. I began walking again not looking where I was going.
“Oh sor-”…I started before looking up.

No….no it can’t be!
“Cyrus? How the hell did you get into Harvard?”…Bertranna yelled.
“Daddy’s money and a little ‘Extra Credit’ for the Dean of Admission”….She smirked.

Same Old Destiny
“I knew you couldn’t get in on your brains”…Bertranna muttered.
“Ugh, whatever…I’m tired of talking to you both”…and with that she walked away.
“I cannot believe she’s here”…Bertranna said in shock.
“I know! I mean what’s nex-”…I started before I saw….Sam.
♠ ♠ ♠
Oh snap! Drama already? ha-ha you can tell this is going to be an awesome update;D
and Stephy and me are back in action! ha-ha the old team:) And if you guys don't remember Sam look on chapter 9 on Love is a Four Letter Word to refresh your memory:) Comment! Subscribe! Lets start this story right!:D