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What A Wonderful Caricature Of... Intimacy

Awkward Situations, Empty Conversations

I couldn't believe what I saw. I know I wasn't exactly Sam's best friend, but it hurts knowing I had ditched him not too long after I met him.

We all know the reason why I ditched him, Nick.

It's not that I regret being with Nick, I just feel bad I dropped him as a friend.

I just hope he doesn't despise me or something like that.

"Is that... ?" Bertranna began to say.

"That's him alright," I interrupted.

She didn't say anything after that, neither did I.

Sam slowly walked up to us, "Hey..."

Bertranna looked away and pretended to take interest in the painting that was hanging on the wall.

I tried to play it cool, "Sup Sam, long time no talk."


Sam wasn't really helping, he was just making things even more awkward.

"I'm gonna... Call the guys and let them know we're here. It was nice seeing you again, Sam."

And with that, Bertranna left me to talk awkwardly on my own. Remind me to thank her later.


Sam looked directly at me, "You were the first friend I made in New Jersey."

My face fell, "Sam, not here."

"Then where? Because I really need you to explain to me why you ditched me like that. Was I not cool enough for your presence? Tell me."

I was near tears, I never meant to hurt him in any way.

"Wanna go grab some breakfast? I'm starving."

He nodded and we walked to the nearest McDonald's.

As I ordered my food, my phone started ringing.

I let the voice mail get it even though I knew who was calling me.

I paid for my food and went to sit down while Sam still waited for his.

I thought about what I would say to him. There isn't anything I could say that would make things better between us. I had been a bad friend to a lot of people when I first started going out with Nick.

But Sam was different, he said I had been his first friend in New Jersey. Nonetheless in school.

I felt myself grow even more guilty by the second.

I saw he was taking a bit long, so I called Nick back.

The phone rang for a while and then he picked up.

"Why didn't you pick up?! You scared me! I thought you were robbed or kidnapped, or something!" Nick shouted into the phone.

"Baby, take a deep breath."

When I heard him actually take a deep breath and then let it out, I began my explanation.

"I'm sorry, but I was ordering McDonald's, it'd be rude if I just picked up the phone in the middle of me ordering."

I heard Nick sigh, "I guess you're right, just don't scare me like that."

"It won't happen again, now, how's my love this morning?" I chuckled.

I heard him laugh, "He misses his baby, very much."

I smiled and saw Sam was coming with his food, "Well I miss you more, but I'm getting hungry and Sam's here with his food, can I call you back later?"

Nick was quiet for a few seconds, "You're eating with Sam?"

My smile turned into a frown, "Nick please don't start, yes, as friends."

I heard him shuffle things around, "Okay, bye baby."

"Bye Nick."

Before I hung up I heard Nick call out my name, "Steph?"

"Yes Nick?"

"I love you."

I put our small, subtle conflict behind, "I love you, Nick."

And he hung up, leaving me to this awkward meeting.
♠ ♠ ♠
soooo sorry, ive been very busy lately
hope this makes up for it, i had sudden inspiration (:
soo, please comment & subscribe
-stephh <3