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What A Wonderful Caricature Of... Intimacy

Just Friends...

We just sat there, silently.

“So…” I started until he interrupted me.

“so, I’m still confused about why we stopped being friends like the second day I came to new jersey” he said crossing his arms at me.

“I’m sorry it’s just.. I was so much drama and crap I mean, I lost contact with everyone..” I started until he interrupted me again.

“ Except for Bertranna and that guy…Dick?”…he asked bitterly.

“Nick” I corrected.

“Same difference” he muttered.

“He’s a great guy you know… it just takes a while to get use to him” I said defending my boyfriend.

“Wow, he’s got you wrapped around his finger” he laughed.

“He most certainly does not!” I yelled.

“Oh really? Who were you just on the phone with?” he asked smirking.

“None of your damn business” I muttered.

“Ha-ha , I knew it. I bet he wanted to know where you were, who you were with, all that crap” he smiled.

“If you’re going to continue bad mouthing my boyfriend then I’m going to leave” I said getting my purse about to walk out until he pulled my wrist.

“OK, OK. I’m sorry” he said with a pout. I sighed and sat back down.
“So…boyfriend huh? he asked.

“Yep” I answered not letting my guard down
“That’s to bad” He smirked.

“And why is that?” I asked.

“Well because I think you’re hot” he answered.

Whoa, that caught me off guard

“Oh well…” I said at a loss for words.

“Hey, not trying to make you fell uncomfortable. Just speaking the truth” he smiled.
“Well thanks” I muttered.

“Hey, how about we out to a movie or something?” he asked, I hesitated.

“You can bring Bertranna” he added smiling.

I wasn’t really sure I mean, what if Nick-…. Wait! Why would Nick care? We’re just friends. Me and Sam are just friends….just friends.

“Um, sure” I answered.

“Great! Pick you…and Bertranna, up at eight?” he asked.

“Yeah, eight”…I answered before leaving to tell her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Way over due!0.o sorry guys, looks like Steph is the favorite author :p ha-ha subscribe and comment :D Because Steph updates faster then me:D ha-ha.