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What A Wonderful Caricature Of... Intimacy

So When Do You Think You're Going To Admit It?

"Come on Bertranna, please come with me!" I begged and pleaded.









"What kind of best friend are you?" I whined

"The kind that doesn't want to Go out with her friend because she may or may not have feelings for him" She answered

"What are you talking about? I love Nick" I yelled.

"Oh yeah? Go to the date yourself then" she replied

"....I hate you" I muttered

"Love you too Steph" she said grabbing a magazine to look at.

"You know that necklace you saw In the store today?" I lead on.

"...Yeah?" She questioned.

"Do you want it?" I asked.

"...I'm listening"

"Come on theDate Invite with me" I begged.

"Fine, but Give me the necklace now so I can wear it and keep reminding myself Why I'm still your friend" She said putting her hand out.

I handed her The necklace and sat down In the living room waiting for her to get dressed when I got a text.

Hello Beautiful How's It Going? I hear In wonderful...Massachusetts. And I'm missing you, It's true-Nick

I smiled. How could I possibly even think Think of Sam when I had the most perfect guy in the entire world.

Later that Night...

"Hey Sam" I smiled giving him a friendly hug.
"Yo samarino" Birdy yelled. He laughed.
"Ha-ha, Hey Bert" He smiled and high-five her.
"Don't call me that douche-bag" she muttered and he laughed again.
"Come on, I got us a reservation" he said walking while we followed. The restaurant was beautiful, we all sat down, Bertranna and Sam on either side of me.
"So how've you been?" Sam smiled at me.
"I've been good" I said smiling back.
"I missed you a lot" He said moving to hold my hand.
" I uh, I missed you to" I answered pulling my hand away, He frowned.
"I thought you said we were friends" he mumbled.
"Since when did friends hold hands?" I asked.
"Since they cared for each other" He muttered and looked away, Then I felt bad.
"I'm sorry" I sighed he gave me a half empty smile.
"It's cool"
"Hey guys, Whats the point of being her if you guys are not talking to me?" Birdy Interrupted.

For once her rudeness is a good thing


After Dinner...
we all took a walk and caught up, By the end of the night me and Sam were basically best friends. and Bertranna.... well she was happy just because she had a free meal. He walked us to Our dorm, where Birdy ran into the room and fell straight on couch.

"So, I had a really nice time" I smiled.
" I was hoping you did" Sam answered
"So, I'll see you soon" I asked.
"Yes you will" He winked and walked away, i smiled and walked inside.
"So, when do u think you're going to admit it?" Bertranna mumbled.
"Admit what?" I asked.
"That You're Basically in love with Sam"
"...Shut up and fall asleep Bert"
"Don't call me that!"
♠ ♠ ♠
Aha, gotta love Bert :D ha-ha. I actually do hate that nickname -.- it kinda stinks :PP But anyways! Whoop! Good chapter! I liked this one :)) Okay, comment and subscribe :)