Status: my fastest story ever :D

The Sun Hates Me, Why Don't You?

Twin Telepathy

“Hey sweetie.” I picked Caleb who firmly attached himself to my leg. “Where’s your sister?”

No reply.

Caleb doesn't like speaking much. He just burrowed his head into my shoulder and pointed in another direction. So I walked over to Lily who was playing dolls with her friends.

“Hi mommy.” She gave the picture to me. It was a cat in a garden. “Look what I did.”

“Very pretty, do you want to go now?” I asked. “We can go get hotdogs.”

“I not hungry.” She looked down and fiddled with the pencils.

“Did you eat at lunch today?” I asked. She didn’t like eating, no one in our house does besides my Gramma and she forgets whether she ate or not.

Lily’s eyes flickered to Caleb’s, and Caleb lifted his head and stared back at her. “Yyyess?” She dragged out kind of as a question. I sighed that was the best I could get out of them and they knew it. Sometimes I think they have twin telepathy or something, they always seem to be talking about something but not really talking.

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I had the twins I a bath at home. Lily was giving Caleb a beard made out of bubbles and I was sitting on the bathroom floor reading my history homework.

“Mommy look! Caweb is santa cwause!” Lily said giggling.

I looked over to see Caleb grinning with a bubble beard and hat. I laughed too a little hysterically and it turned into crying. I couldn’t help it was just too many emotions at once and they just boiled over.

I try not to cry around the twins. But it’s hard when you’re a teenager with twin 3 year olds and you don’t even remember the night they were conceived. I remember how it happened obviously but I don’t remember who it I was with. Where he should be is just a black blur. Which is weird when I didn’t even drink that night.

On top of that when I told my parents they kicked me out. We still have Sunday night dinners, awkward as they may be. So now I live with my old Gramma in her 2 bedroom apartment. I have no money I have no friends I just have my two kids.

I felt a wet hand on my cheek. Caleb. I looked up he was staring at me with sympathetic eyes. He’s a good kid, way too mature for his age but good all the same.

“Don’t cry mommy, daddy’s coming home.” Lily said.
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i added to the character list :)