Status: my fastest story ever :D

The Sun Hates Me, Why Don't You?

School Skippers

“Riley.” A soft voice said shaking me slightly.

I groaned. I opened my eyes to be gazing into familiar beautiful blue ones. For some reason that I don’t understand I put my arms around his neck and kissed him. I was kind of like a habit - one that I don’t remember.

Realising what I was doing I pushed him back trying to understand what was going on.

“Um… I-I um I’m not really sure w-what happened just now so can we forget it?” I asked.

“Only if you stop calling me a stalker.” Lucas smiled.

“I’ll try. No promises.” I mumbled.

He shrugged. “I’ll take what I can get. Now come on we should get you out of here.”


“You should go home you probably have a concussion.” He said slowly.

“Shouldn’t the nurse make that decision?” I asked looking around for her.

“She had to go to a funeral or something. But the school trusts me to make the right call in terms of you health, because I have higher medical training than they do.”


“Come on then I’ll take you home.” He said helping me off the sick bay bed. “Oh and try not to scratch your stiches.”

“What?” I asked again and went to look in the mirror. Sure enough I had a line of stiches from my temple to my eyebrow. “Oh poo”

I herd him chuckle. When I turned around he was grinning.

“Shut up.” I muttered. “You did this?”

“Medical training.”

"You did medical training already? Your only just 18"

"Yeah but I'm special." He winked.

i scoffed and started walking to the car park.

When I got to my car he took my keys out of my hand. “Hey.”

“Don’t hey me, you shouldn’t drive. Ten minutes ago your head was bleeding.”

“I’m fine.” I protested while trying not to sway. “Shouldn’t you be in school anyway?”

“Nope, got suspended.” He said simply.

“When? Why?”

“While you were passed out. And because I punched someone. Now give me the keys.”

“But I’m fine!”

“Really.” He said looking doubtful. “How many fingers am I holding up?”

I squinted to try to see the fingers he was holding up. But they were blurring and it was giving me a headache concentrating to hard.

I sighed. “Fine.” I gave him my keys.

He smiled and took my hand pulling me to his car. His car was a cool Volvo with doors that lift up.

We both got in and as Lucas started the car Tyler opened the door and jumped into the back seat.

“So where we going?” Tyler asked.

“I need to pick up Caleb and Lily.”

“Cool I love kids.” Lucas smiled and started driving.

“There’s something wrong with both of you.” I said eying them. “Who likes a teenager’s child? Nobody that’s who.”

“No people who are mature enough to get over their objections and realise that in life things happen that don’t go according to plan and we should just learn to deal and move on.” Lucas said gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white.

“Okay…” I said not really sure how to respond to that. “So why aren’t you in school Tyler?”

“I find school trivial.” He answered looking out the window.

“We’re here.” Lucas said.
♠ ♠ ♠

next one will be soon i promise but its christmas tomorrow so i have to spend it awkwardly with family :P

GO australia because we get christmas first ;)