You're A Million Miles Too Close


Falling in love with your best friend is hard, to keep the secret away from him, and he is the one you want to tell the most. But telling him you love him, might make you think, ‘ Why him?’ Why not him? He was the one, who gave you your first kiss. He was the one who was there, when you broke your arm. He is the one for you, and nothing is going to change much. Not even if he gets a girlfriend who is a complete bitch. Best friends can over come these things together. Or can they?

“ Haylee. Haylee. Haylee. Haylee.” Someone was whispering in my ear. I groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore the voice.
“ Haylee Alexis Mason.” They whispered in my ear. I turned over to glare at the person who woke me up.
“ Joseph.” I hissed at him, rubbing my eyes. He gave me one massive smile. I rolled my eyes and sat up, leaning on my elbows.
“ Now you are awake…” Joe started. I quickly cut him off.
“ No thanks to you.” I mumbled. Joe grinned at me and climbed onto my bed and lied next to me.
“ So do you want to come round tonight? Kevin’s going out somewhere and I don’t want to be stuck with Nick.” Joe complained, sticking his bottom lip out. Kevin was going out, obviously with some girl. I told myself.
“ On a date, right?” I whispered. Joe nodded, biting his lip.
“ Of course he is. Why shouldn’t he? I mean he has him own life, of course…” Joe stopped me.

“ Its okay, Haylee. He will come to his senses soon. He will figure out, he is madly in love with you.”
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Hey, :)
Im Trying This Story, I Wont Put Up Another Chapter Till I Get Four Comments. :) And No, Hannah Your Comment Never Counts!